stefanXO / Tab-Manager-Plus

An updated and improved Chrome and Firefox extension of the old google chrome extension "Tab Manager".
382 stars 91 forks source link

Tab Manager Plus stopped working, Options and Manager are empty #209

Open JashanChittesh opened 1 year ago

JashanChittesh commented 1 year ago

Tab Manager Plus worked just fine for me until a few days ago. My current Firefox version is 113.0.1.

Now, when I click on the tabs view to select a tab, that view comes up empty. Also, when I enter the Options in the Extension settings, they briefly flash up but then immediately disappear. In the Browser Console, I get an error after trying to open the tabs view:

WebExtension context not found! [ExtensionParent.jsm:1296](resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm)
    getContextById resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:1296
    recvAPICall resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.jsm:1133
    _recv resource://gre/modules/ConduitsChild.jsm:84
    receiveMessage resource://gre/modules/ConduitsParent.jsm:466

Here's what I see:


EDIT: I have also tried downgrading to Firefox 112.0.2 but that didn't fix the issue (and instead caused a whole lot of other issues). And the plugin still works fine on my laptop (which also has 113.0.1 installed but is on Windows 11 while my desktop is on Windows 10).

travisbhartwell commented 1 year ago

I also am experiencing this recently.

It doesn't seem tied to the Firefox version, as I was able to create a new profile in Firefox and install the extension in the new profile and it works there. This is not an ideal fix for me, as I don't want to lose my history, bookmarks, and other configuration in my primary profile.

But it feels like there must be a configuration or some setting that has got messed up in my existing profile that is causing the extension to stop working.

decard123 commented 12 months ago

similar problem just happened today latest FF. win10 x64 no errors: just a blank form have turned off/on. have uininstalled and reinstalled - same prob i figure it is a TMP bug fix; but maybe a FF change that has disabled this app.

PS there doesn't seem to be much (any) support

decard123 commented 11 months ago

TMP just started working again.

not sure what i did: i was playing around trying some other tab manager extensions, and, poof, TMP came up

username930 commented 9 months ago

The URL on some tabs is not defined. I was using it with like. suspended tabs. that don't load sometimes. and maybe this causes tab URL to be undefined. the fix is to keep closing tabs until it works. maybe you have to find and close crashed suspended tabs. or reopenning tabs should also maybe fix the tab url. to work with tab manager

Uncaught TypeError: this.refs.root is undefined
TypeError: hostname is undefined
var hostname = url.hostname;
if (protocol.indexOf("chrome-extension") > -1) {
   hostname = tabs[i];
} else if (protocol.indexOf("about") > -1) {
   hostname = tabs[i];
} else if (hostname.indexOf("") > -1) {
   hostname = "gmail";
} else {
   hostname = hostname.replace("www.", "");
   var regex_var = new RegExp(/(.[^\.]{0,2})(.[^\.]{0,2})(.$)|(.[^\.])(.*$)/);
   hostname = hostname.
   replace(regex_var, "").
if (hostname.length > 18) {           <----------------- crash

line 364 .......... if (hostname.length > 18) { ................... TypeError: hostname is undefined

max-rh commented 5 months ago

How do i use this new Extension that you forked ? I tried to load it manually, but its giving me that the file is corrupt

hatemicroshit commented 4 months ago

username930: as per your suggestion, i used a session manager to save the current session and replace with the identical saved session, which reloaded 500 tabs in an instant without crashing the browser. saved favicons are gone but it works again image_2024-02-15_12-20-28