stefanbode / Sonoff-Tasmota

Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE, enhanced with I2C options
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Shutterinvert needs additional adjustment #60

Closed udo1toni closed 6 years ago

udo1toni commented 6 years ago

I've setup a Sonoff T1 2CH as a rollershutter.

shutterposition works perfectly. using shutterinvert 1 results in upper position = 0, lower position = 100, perfect.

But now, there is something weird (shutterinvert=1): When sending shutteropen, the shutter closes to position 0 When sending shutterclose, the shutter opens ans stops immediately (returning 1 as position) When sending shutterclose from a position other than fully open or fully closed, it moves the shutter up When sending shutterstop, there is no reaction when the shutter is moving. When sending shutterstop when the shutter is already stopped, the shutter moves to position 65. When sending shutterstop when the shutter is already stopped at position 65, the shutter moves to position 35. When sending a shutterinvert without any parameter, tasmota reacts in sending a stat RESULT {"shutterinvert1":-99} regardless, if shutterinvert is set to 0 or to 1.

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

the last message hints at the root of the evil. I have seen this -99 stuff also but then it went away without any reason. In the log, in the beginning, you can see the definition if the shutter with all parameters. Shutterinvert must be 1. Otherwise, it will not work as requested. I will check where the -99 came from

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

shutterinvert1 1 should do the job and also give a correct answer in the result. See code below.

  else if (CMND_SHUTTERINVERT == command_code && (index > 0) && (index <= shutters_present)) {
    if ( (XdrvMailbox.payload >= 0) && (XdrvMailbox.payload <= 1)) {
      Settings.shutter_invert[index-1] = XdrvMailbox.payload;
    snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), S_JSON_COMMAND_INDEX_NVALUE, command, index, XdrvMailbox.payload);
udo1toni commented 6 years ago

13:36:53 CMD: shutterinvert1 1 13:36:53 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterinvert1":1} 13:37:09 CMD: shutterinvert1 13:37:09 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterinvert1":-99}

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Ahh, no worries about this. The second one is a bug I just fixed right now. the shutterinvert is 1. Now back to your problem. Please post a logfile and tell we what you do. In the logfile open is 0 and close is 100. This will not change. Only in the UI and from the MQTT messages you send and receive just the opposite position. With shutterinvert not the internal calculation will change. Only the reporting changes.

udo1toni commented 6 years ago

Sure :) From console:

15:09:51 CMD: shutteropen1
15:09:51 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:09:51 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:09:51 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutteropen1":100}
15:09:52 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 21400, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 7
15:09:53 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 19300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 28
15:09:54 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 17300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 48
15:09:55 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 15300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 68
15:09:56 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 13300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 88
15:09:57 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 11300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 108
15:09:58 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 9300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 128
15:09:59 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 7300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 148
15:10:00 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 5300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 168
15:10:01 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 3300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 188
15:10:02 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 1300, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 208
15:10:02 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 100
15:10:02 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:10:02 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:10:59 CMD: shutterclose1
15:10:59 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:10:59 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:10:59 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterclose1":0}
15:11:00 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 900, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 10
15:11:01 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 3000, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 30
15:11:02 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 4900, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 51
15:11:03 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 7000, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 71
15:11:04 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 8900, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 91
15:11:05 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 10900, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 111
15:11:06 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 12900, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 131
15:11:07 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 15000, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 151
15:11:08 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 17000, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 171
15:11:09 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 19000, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 191
15:11:10 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 21000, Target 22000, source: Shutter, pos %: 0, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 211
15:11:10 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 0
15:11:10 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:11:10 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF

As you can see, the wrong Relay is switched, as POWER1 should be for open and POWER2 should be for close

15:14:49 CMD: shutteropen1
15:14:49 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:14:49 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:14:49 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutteropen1":100}
15:14:49 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 22000, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 0
15:14:50 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 20000, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 21
15:14:51 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 18000, Target 0, source: Shutter, pos %: 100, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 41
15:14:52 CMD: shutterstop1
15:14:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":75}
15:14:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 26
15:14:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:14:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:15:00 CMD: shutterstop1
15:15:00 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:15:00 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:15:00 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":74}
15:15:00 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 16100, Target 5720, source: Shutter, pos %: 74, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 4
15:15:01 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 14000, Target 5720, source: Shutter, pos %: 74, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 25
15:15:02 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 12000, Target 5720, source: Shutter, pos %: 74, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 45
15:15:03 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 10000, Target 5720, source: Shutter, pos %: 74, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 65
15:15:04 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 8000, Target 5720, source: Shutter, pos %: 74, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 85
15:15:05 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 6000, Target 5720, source: Shutter, pos %: 74, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 105
15:15:05 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 75
15:15:05 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:15:05 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:15:07 CMD: shutterstop1
15:15:07 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:15:07 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:15:07 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":25}
15:15:08 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 7200, Target 16500, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 16
15:15:09 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 9200, Target 16500, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 36
15:15:10 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 11200, Target 16500, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 56
15:15:11 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 13200, Target 16500, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 76
15:15:12 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 15200, Target 16500, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 96
15:15:13 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 25
15:15:13 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:15:13 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:15:15 CMD: shutterstop1
15:15:15 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:15:15 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:15:15 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":75}
15:15:15 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 15600, Target 5500, source: Shutter, pos %: 75, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 10
15:15:16 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 13500, Target 5500, source: Shutter, pos %: 75, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 31
15:15:17 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 11500, Target 5500, source: Shutter, pos %: 75, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 51
15:15:18 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 9500, Target 5500, source: Shutter, pos %: 75, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 71
15:15:19 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 7500, Target 5500, source: Shutter, pos %: 75, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 91
15:15:20 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 75
15:15:20 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:15:20 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF

The first stop was executed correctly (I'm curious why it didn't work the first time...) but as you can see, when the shutter is already stopped, a stop command results in a move to the mirrored posistion (i.e. ~ positionnew = 100 - positionold)

15:20:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterposition1":50}
15:20:43 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 7400, Target 11000, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 20
15:20:44 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 9400, Target 11000, source: Shutter, pos %: 25, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 40
15:20:45 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 50
15:20:45 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:20:45 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:20:57 CMD: shotterstop1
15:20:57 Shutter unknown
15:20:57 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"Command":"Unknown"}
15:21:06 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:06 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":50}
15:21:17 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:17 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":50}
15:21:36 CMD: shutterposition 49
15:21:36 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:21:36 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:21:36 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterposition1":49}
15:21:36 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 49
15:21:36 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:21:36 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:21:40 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:40 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:21:40 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:21:40 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":51}
15:21:40 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 52
15:21:40 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:21:40 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:21:42 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:21:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:21:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":48}
15:21:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 48
15:21:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:21:42 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:21:44 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:44 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:21:44 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:21:44 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":52}
15:21:45 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 53
15:21:45 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:21:45 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:21:46 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:46 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:21:46 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:21:46 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":47}
15:21:47 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 47
15:21:47 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:21:47 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:21:48 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:48 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:21:48 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:21:48 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":53}
15:21:49 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 54
15:21:49 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:21:49 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:21:51 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:51 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:21:51 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:21:51 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":46}
15:21:51 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 10300, Target 11880, source: Shutter, pos %: 46, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 1
15:21:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 46
15:21:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:21:52 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:21:58 CMD: shutterstop1
15:21:58 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:21:58 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:21:58 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":54}
15:21:58 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 11300, Target 10120, source: Shutter, pos %: 54, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 7
15:21:59 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 55
15:21:59 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:21:59 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:22:03 CMD: shutterstop1
15:22:03 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:22:03 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:22:03 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":45}
15:22:04 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 12000, Target 12100, source: Shutter, pos %: 45, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 20
15:22:04 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 45
15:22:04 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:22:04 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:22:08 CMD: shutterstop1
15:22:08 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:22:08 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:22:08 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":55}
15:22:09 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 10300, Target 9900, source: Shutter, pos %: 55, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 19
15:22:09 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 55
15:22:09 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:22:09 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
15:22:11 MQT: sonoff_t9/tele/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T15:22:11","SHUTTER-1":55}
15:22:14 CMD: shutterstop1
15:22:14 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
15:22:14 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = ON
15:22:14 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":45}
15:22:15 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 10200, Target 12100, source: Shutter, pos %: 45, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 5
15:22:15 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 45
15:22:15 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
15:22:15 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER1 = OFF
15:22:24 CMD: shutterstop1
15:22:24 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
15:22:24 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = ON
15:22:24 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"shutterstop1":55}
15:22:25 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 11300, Target 9900, source: Shutter, pos %: 55, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 9
15:22:25 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/SHUTTER1 = 55
15:22:25 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
15:22:25 MQT: sonoff_t9/stat/POWER2 = OFF
stefanbode commented 6 years ago

ok, let's work on getting it fixed. First, you HAVE to switch your relays. If on open close the direction is wrong you need to switch it. shutteropen and shutterstop have no options like 50 or 75. They just open/close/stop. No matter where they are. shutterposition is the only command that is aware of invert and allows a value to define the position from 0-100. Let me know if more questions.

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Additionally if the position is 50 you are not able to set it to 49 or 51 because in most cases the operating time is to low. therefore the firmware just do not move. If you want to test change it at least 5 or better 10% up or down to have a minimum movement

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Hmm, shutterstop really seems to start the relay. also if it is already stopped. This seems to be a bug.

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Yep on the shutterstop there was an IF missing that takes care about the inverted functionality. I checked in a new version. Maybe you can give it a try.

udo1toni commented 6 years ago

as far as I understood the wiki, I have to use channel 1 for UP and channel 2 for DOWN, so if switching POWER1 to ON, the shutter has to move up, and if switching the POWER2 to ON, the shutter has to move down. And this is what I see here. But when sending a shutteropen command, POWER2 is set to ON, so the Shutter moves down.

If changing shutterinvert to 0, the commands work as expected. So, the shutterinvert does a complete invert. If changing the "polarity" of the motor, this would result in shutter opening if switching POWER2 to ON, but also in a 100 if open and a 0 if closed... that's the same problem as without the shutterinvert option at all, in fact, I could handle the problem by using the wrong commands, but I think this is not intended... ;)

In question of shutterstop, this command is ok now :)

udo1toni commented 6 years ago

AH. I think i found the issue... in xdrv_97_shutter.ino the code for open and close is

XdrvMailbox.payload = CMND_OPEN == command_code ? 100 : 0;
command_code = CMND_POSITION;

So, if sending a shutteropen, this will always result in a command position 100

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Ok let me do another deep dive. I assume you are right. It was not my idea to implement the invert. Anyhow should be fixable and I assume the error came in with the change of reporting shutterposition as a result.

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Yep. And another bug fixed. I reverted the last change and applied the current fix to it too. If I set the SOURCE to WEBGUI then the inverted will have no effect. This I'm using now for open/close/stop. Then these commands are indepedend from the invert and should work all the time current version checked in. Also upgraded to the latest TASMOTA version.

udo1toni commented 6 years ago

Cool! Will have a try...

stefanbode commented 6 years ago

Hi, I do some cleanup and fixed some side-effects when using a wall switch. now the shutter should stop and move in the opposite direction if you hit the switch in the other direction

udo1toni commented 6 years ago

Did not see any problems with wall switches (I'm using a Sonoff T 2-gang), in fact, the last version works pretty good here, since last week... sorry for forgetting to close the issue!