stefanbode / Sonoff-Tasmota

Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE, enhanced with I2C options
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Close Shutter doesn't work #95

Closed calcipher49 closed 5 years ago

calcipher49 commented 5 years ago

Hi, After successful install of first Shutter using Sonoff dual R2, I have a big issue with second one(identical configuration). Open shutter works correctly, but not close (ShutterPosition1 0 when it's open).

In details, If Shutter is closed and I launch ShutterPosition1 100, sequence is: POWER1 = OFF (useless) POWER2 = OFF (ok) POWER1 = ON (open shutter) Waiting during 23s position go from 0 to 46000 in console POWER1 = OFF (when SHUTTER1=100) => all is fine

But if now I launch ShutterPosition1 0, sequence is: POWER1 = OFF (ok) POWER2 = ON (close shutter) POWER2 = OFF (immediatly stop close: FAILURE) POWER1 = ON (open shutter: FAILURE) Waiting during 20s position go from 38043 to 0 in console POWER1 = OFF (failure as should be POWER2=OFF) => Total failure as correct sequence should be POWER1 = OFF POWER2 = ON Waiting POWER2 = OFF

Full trace in attachment, with config at the beginning. trace.txt

Seems command ShutterSetClose1 can be used to calibrate closing, but I don't understand how it's works. Value for ShutterSetClose1 is 1073647888 and cannot be modified:

22:59:05 CMD: ShutterSetClose1 22:59:05 MQT: stat/sonoff2/RESULT = {"shuttersetclose1":1073647888} 22:59:10 CMD: ShutterSetClose1 0 22:59:10 MQT: stat/sonoff2/RESULT = {"shuttersetclose1":1073647888}

Thanks for your help.

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for rising up the issue. Please, can you increase the loglevel to 5. The I can see WHO is switching the devices ON and OFF. You get information about the SOURCE for the operation. I agree that this behavior is total nonsense for a normal connected shutter. The shuttersetclose you execute, if the shutter is in the close position to reset all values to default. This is more for debugging and executing without a blind connected to test without going to start all the time.

Additionally please call "shutter50percent 50". This will output the calibration parameter. Any high or strange values may indicate an issue here.

calcipher49 commented 5 years ago

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for answer. Shutter50Percent is already 50.

In attachment new trace with both Syslog and Weblog to 4 (maximum). trace.txt

Hope it can help to debug.

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

hi @calcipher49 . I'm trying to reproduce the issue but still not successful. My device operates exactly as it should be. the shutter50percent 51 or 49 you should see initialistion parameters like this:

11:52:26 RSL: Received Topic /shutter50percent, Data Size 2, Data 49
11:52:26 RSL: Group 0, Index 1, Command SHUTTER50PERCENT, Data 49
11:52:26 Shutter accuracy digits: 1
11:52:26 Shutter 0 (Relay:1): Init. Pos: 10200 [50 %], Open Vel.: 100 Close Vel.: 100 , Max Way: 20000, Opentime 10.0 [s], Closetime 10.0 [s], CoedffCalc: c0: 400, c1 196, c2: 276, c3: 0, c4: 0, binmask 15, is inverted 1, size 40
11:52:26 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"shutter50percent1":49}
11:52:27 CFG: Saved to flash at 3F7, Count 1597, Bytes 3824
11:49:56 RSL: Received Topic /teleperiod, Data Size 3, Data 300
11:49:56 RSL: Group 0, Index 1, Command TELEPERIOD, Data 300
11:49:56 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"TelePeriod":"300"}
11:49:57 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/STATE = {"Time":"2018-12-06T11:49:57","Uptime":"0T00:21:14","POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF", "Wifi":{"AP":1, "SSId":"BodeNet_Keller","BSSId":"7C:FF:4D:3D:A3:5B","Channel":11,"RSSI":86},"DeepSleep":0,"Heap":25088}
11:49:57 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-12-06T11:49:57","SHUTTER-1":17}
11:49:57 CFG: Saved to flash at 3F4, Count 1592, Bytes 3824
11:50:11 CMD: shutterposition 0
11:50:11 SRC: WebConsole from
11:50:11 RSL: Received Topic /shutterposition, Data Size 1, Data 0
11:50:11 RSL: Group 0, Index 1, Command SHUTTERPOSITION, Data 0
11:50:11 shutterposition in: payload 0, index 1, source 9
11:50:11 lastsource 9:, realpos 16600, target 20000, payload 100
11:50:11 Start shutter in right direction 1
11:50:11 temp1 for mask is 3, temp2: 1, temp3 2. Bucketsize: 2, device: 1 to state 1, currentsate 0
11:50:11 imask1: 2
11:50:11 SRC: Shutter
11:50:11 Switched relay: 1 by Shutter
11:50:11 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
11:50:11 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/POWER1 = ON (retained)
11:50:11 Delay6 5s, xdrv 21
11:50:11 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"shutterposition1":0}
11:50:12 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 18500, Target 20000, source: Shutter, start-pos: 83 %, direction: 1, rtcshutter: 1.0  [s]
11:50:12 CFG: Saved to flash at 3FB, Count 1593, Bytes 3824
11:50:13 Shutter 0: Real Pos. 20000, Stoppos: 100, relay: 0, direction 1, pulsetimer: 0, rtcshutter: 1.7 [s], operationtime 0
11:50:13 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/SHUTTER1 = 0 (retained)
11:50:13 SRC: Shutter
11:50:13 Switched relay: 1 by Shutter
11:50:13 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
11:50:13 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/POWER1 = OFF (retained)
11:50:13 CFG: Saved to flash at 3FA, Count 1594, Bytes 3824
11:50:14 WIF: Checking connection...
11:50:14 WIF: Connected
11:50:23 CMD: shutterposition 50
11:50:23 SRC: WebConsole from
11:50:23 RSL: Received Topic /shutterposition, Data Size 2, Data 50
11:50:23 RSL: Group 0, Index 1, Command SHUTTERPOSITION, Data 50
11:50:23 shutterposition in: payload 50, index 1, source 9
11:50:23 lastsource 9:, realpos 20000, target 9800, payload 50
11:50:23 Start shutter in right direction -1
11:50:23 temp1 for mask is 3, temp2: 2, temp3 1. Bucketsize: 2, device: 2 to state 1, currentsate 0
11:50:23 imask1: 1
11:50:23 SRC: Shutter
11:50:23 Switched relay: 2 by Shutter
11:50:23 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"POWER2":"ON"}
11:50:23 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/POWER2 = ON (retained)
11:50:23 Delay6 5s, xdrv 21
11:50:23 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"shutterposition1":50}
11:50:23 CFG: Saved to flash at 3F9, Count 1595, Bytes 3824
11:50:24 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 17800, Target 9800, source: Shutter, start-pos: 100 %, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 1.1  [s]
11:50:25 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 15800, Target 9800, source: Shutter, start-pos: 100 %, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 2.1  [s]
11:50:26 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 13800, Target 9800, source: Shutter, start-pos: 100 %, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 3.1  [s]
11:50:27 Shutter 0: Real Pos: 11800, Target 9800, source: Shutter, start-pos: 100 %, direction: -1, rtcshutter: 4.2  [s]
11:50:28 Shutter 0: Real Pos. 9800, Stoppos: 50, relay: 1, direction -1, pulsetimer: 0, rtcshutter: 5.1 [s], operationtime 2
11:50:28 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/SHUTTER1 = 50 (retained)
11:50:28 SRC: Shutter
11:50:28 Switched relay: 2 by Shutter
11:50:28 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
11:50:28 MQT: hm/status/sonoff/POWER2 = OFF (retained)
11:50:28 CFG: Saved to flash at 3F8, Count 1596, Bytes 3824
11:50:35 WIF: Checking connection...
11:50:35 WIF: Connected
stefanbode commented 5 years ago

I still try to understand the log. My assumption is still a hick up in the calibration parameters. shutter50percent to 10 and then to 50 can fix this. But this is only a guess.

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

I got it!!! You shutter works in the operation more ON/OFF OPEN/CLOSE. Relay 1 switches Power and Relay 2 the direction. For this case the Log is right. To switch to the other mode: setoption14 1 I assume setoption14 is still 0. Line 100ff declare how the mode will be determed

      // Determine shutter types
      if (Settings.flag3.paired_interlock) {
        if (Settings.pulse_timer[i] > 0) {
          shutterMode = PULSE_OPEN__PULSE_CLOSE;
        } else {
          shutterMode = OFF_OPEN__OFF_CLOSE;
      } else {
        shutterMode = OFF_ON__OPEN_CLOSE;
calcipher49 commented 5 years ago

Hi Stefan, Thanks to investigate.

However SetOption14 is 1 on my config (checked and rechecked).

Based on your clue about code part, I can solve this issue replacing line 105 by: shutterMode = OFF_OPEN__OFF_CLOSE;

So error is linked with Settings.flag3.paired_interlock at 0 in my case. But this value is not SetOption14

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

ah, yes this is setoption81 I guess

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

Please do not a code change. we have to investigate why this is wrong

calcipher49 commented 5 years ago

Yes of course, change code was only for test and help... I will wait for updated code

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

Please can you check: setoption81 1 This should enable the paired interlock and then the shutter should be in the right mode.

calcipher49 commented 5 years ago

SetOption81 1 do not solve the issue. I had already tried and I just checked again to confirm: No difference between SetOption81 0 and 1

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

the setoption81 requires a reboot to be active because the decision what kind of shutter it is will be made quite early in the code. I can double confirm, that this option is driving the paired interlock. I will make some code changes that will output additional logging that inform the user what shutter is used.

stefanbode commented 5 years ago

I uploaded a new code fragment. please follow the instructions: setoption81 1 upload new firmware shutter50percent 49 shutter50percent 50 please write down the output and post it here in the issue Line should be something like: 11:52:26 Shutter 0 (Relay:1): Init. Pos: 10200 [50 %], Open Vel.: 100 Close Vel.: 100 , Max Way: 20000, Opentime 10.0 [s], Closetime 10.0 [s], CoedffCalc: c0: 400, c1 196, c2: 276, c3: 0, c4: 0, binmask 15, is inverted 1, shuttermode 0

calcipher49 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Below trace requested for commands sutter50percent (using updated firmware):

18:13:04 CMD: shutter50percent 49 18:13:04 Shutter accuracy digits: 1 18:13:04 Shutter 0 (Relay:1): Init. Pos: 0 [0 %], Open Vel.: 100 Close Vel.: 109 , Max Way: 46000, Opentime 23.0 [s], Closetime 21.0 [s], CoedffCalc: c0: -900, c1 469, c2: 289, c3: 0, c4: 0, binmask 3, is inverted 0, shuttermode 0 18:13:04 MQT: stat/sonoff2/RESULT = {"shutter50percent1":49} 18:13:04 Shutter accuracy digits: 1 18:13:04 Shutter 0 (Relay:1): Init. Pos: 0 [0 %], Open Vel.: 100 Close Vel.: 109 , Max Way: 46000, Opentime 23.0 [s], Closetime 21.0 [s], CoedffCalc: c0: -900, c1 469, c2: 289, c3: 0, c4: 0, binmask 3, is inverted 0, shuttermode 0 18:13:05 MQT: stat/sonoff2/RESULT = {"shutter50percent1":49} 18:13:16 CMD: shutter50percent 50 18:13:16 Shutter accuracy digits: 1 18:13:16 Shutter 0 (Relay:1): Init. Pos: 0 [0 %], Open Vel.: 100 Close Vel.: 109 , Max Way: 46000, Opentime 23.0 [s], Closetime 21.0 [s], CoedffCalc: c0: 0, c1 460, c2: 460, c3: 0, c4: 0, binmask 3, is inverted 0, shuttermode 0 18:13:16 MQT: stat/sonoff2/RESULT = {"shutter50percent1":50} 18:13:16 Shutter accuracy digits: 1 18:13:16 Shutter 0 (Relay:1): Init. Pos: 0 [0 %], Open Vel.: 100 Close Vel.: 109 , Max Way: 46000, Opentime 23.0 [s], Closetime 21.0 [s], CoedffCalc: c0: 0, c1 460, c2: 460, c3: 0, c4: 0, binmask 3, is inverted 0, shuttermode 0 18:13:16 MQT: stat/sonoff2/RESULT = {"shutter50percent1":50}

Also you're right, issue is solved with SetOption81 1, then Restart 1