stefanbohacek / random-image-twitterbot

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general message for each picture or unique message for each picture #2

Closed hakankk closed 7 years ago

hakankk commented 7 years ago


I tried to insert'statuses/update', { status: 'Look, I am tweeting!' } so that there could be a fixed message tweeted with each picture. I tried several combinations but it didn't work.

In one occasion it tweets the message in one tweet and tweets the picture in another.

It would actually be great if it would be possible to pull dedicated message for each picture. I saw a very close version but I couldn't make the Python and its code work.

It would be great if anyone can help.

Thank you Best

stefanbohacek commented 7 years ago

@hakankk Hi, please check out the updated server.js script. This seems to be working for me:

Check out