stefanbohacek / simplepagebuilder

Create your own piece of the web.
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Documentation - Hosting and Uploading Images (More options/Ideas) #3

Open candideu opened 3 months ago

candideu commented 3 months ago

Hi again!

I love how your Help/Documentation page provides info for beginners on how/where to host their new site and images.

I would suggest also adding the following:

Web Hosting

Image Hosting

I really like how you explain how to upload images using the same host the person would (presumably) be using to upload their finalized site. I sometimes find that there's some confusion between image hosts / content delivery networks that are used to host media to link to a site vs a private cloud drive or images on somebody else's server (hotlinking).

I'm still debating whether image hosting should be its own section / can be decoupled from general site hosting, so I wonder what beginners using your help page / guide think.

In any case, if having a separate section for image hosts is of interest, these free media hosts are great / free (ranked by beginner-friendliness):

Additionally, I'm not sure how feasible this is with GrapeJS, but it would be incredible if instead of hosting images elsewhere and linking the URL, users could use a file browser to select an image, and have that image uploaded to Imgur via its API as an anonymous user (kind of like how ShareX does it). This way, it would provide a seamless and easy way to add images, especially for beginners.


A note on exports

One last point before I go: not sure how feasible this is with GrapeJS, but, what if users could generate an export that also downloads/exports a copy of the linked images in some sort of "assets" folder for offline usage?

stefanbohacek commented 3 months ago

@candideu These are all great points!

Honestly, I think it might be better if Glitch and Neocities added their own drag and drop editors.

I am also wondering if it would perhaps make sense to create a browser extension that would add such functionality using each respective site's API. Then I could handle some of the features you're suggesting.