stefandreyer / JSON-Library

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Suggestion: Extend JSON_TO_STRUCT/STRUCT_TO_JSON to have optional GPL_JSON arguments #6

Open JBrO910 opened 2 weeks ago

JBrO910 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, my background lays in other programming languages where it is usually not appropriate to manually change the source code of libraries. That's why I was a bit perplexed when it is encouraged to change the values of GPL_JSON to suit my needs. So I was wondering if it is possible to have optional arguments for the JSON_TO_STRUCT and STRUCT_TO_JSON function blocks. I would be fine if the GPL_JSON stays the way it is (for default values perhaps) but I think it would be nice to offer the option to bypass this values when creating objects out of these function blocks.

Thanks in advance!

stefandreyer commented 2 weeks ago


what is your goal? creat objects in different size?


JBrO910 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, that would make it possible but that was not my goal. Instead, my original goal is that these GPL_JSON values do not need to be changed manually in the source code. In my opinion it is not an elegant solution that I have to go in the libary to increase the value size for example. Like I said, I am used to other prgramming languages where it is not appropriate to change the source code of external libraries. I am not sure if this is a normal process in CODESYS however.

Best regards, Jonathan

stefandreyer commented 18 hours ago


the smat thing is, you can change these var of a library in you project. All vars in a parameter var list can be changed independed for each project on there needs:


Is this what you whanted?

BR Stefan