Closed orso081980 closed 6 years ago
This will sound silly, but I have never needed a vairable like this :) But this is done simply by having a variable outside your function, like below.
var my_value;
$('#removebuttonstyle i').on('click', function(e) {
var t = $.Zebra_Dialog('<strong>Zebra_Dialog</strong>, a small, compact and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery', {
type: 'question',
title: 'Custom buttons',
buttons: [
{caption: 'Yes'},
{caption: 'No'}
onClose: function(caption) {
my_value = (caption == 'Yes');
But I don't think you need a variable but rather you need to alter something in DOM, based on the selection in the dialog. If so, the DOM manipulation has to be done in the onClose
I kind of solve my problem with a snippet like that:
$('#removebuttonstyle i').on('click', function(e) {
var t = $.Zebra_Dialog('<strong>Zebra_Dialog</strong>, a small, compact and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery', {
type: 'question',
title: 'Custom buttons',
buttons: [
{caption: 'Yes'},
{caption: 'No'}
onClose: function(caption) {
if (caption == 'Yes') {
$("#removebuttonstyle i").unbind('click').click()
} else {
caption = false;
return caption;
What do you think about it?
I first need to know what are you trying to achieve. Are you trying to prevent the dialog from opening again if the user clicked on "Yes" ?
I'm working in an expressionengine environment with a store plugin on top (espresso). This actually worked but there is a lot of code involved on top of that. As I told you in my first email, I was trying to emulate the confirm javascript function.
This is how my code looks like:
<td class="col-md-1 text-right">
<button type="submit" id="removebuttonstyle" name="remove_items[{key}]" value="remove">
<i class="fa fa-minus-circle"></i>
If I use the confirmation method like that:
// $('#removebuttonstyle i').click(function() { // console.log("you click!"); // var c = confirm("Are you sure that you want to continue?"); // return c; // });
It's gonna work the same way it works now with Zebra..
$('#removebuttonstyle i').on('click', function(e) {
$.Zebra_Dialog('<strong>Zebra_Dialog</strong>, a small, compact and highly configurable dialog box plugin for jQuery', {
type: 'question',
title: 'Custom buttons',
buttons: [
{caption: 'Yes', callback: function() {
{caption: 'No'}
I'm not sure if that is working, though...
Don't worry, mine works! I will try both
I'm trying to emulate the confirm javascript function, in order to obtain this:
I build this with zebradialog:
So I can set the value from caption but I'm not able to return it. Any thought?