stefangabos / Zebra_Session

A drop-in replacement for PHP's default session handler which stores session data in a MySQL database, providing better performance, better security and protection against session fixation and session hijacking
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Logging Out Users #39

Closed TebongA closed 3 years ago

TebongA commented 3 years ago

Hi Just curious what I did wrong. For some reason it keeps longing out users before the official session expires. not sure what I did wrong.

Any idea what could have caused it?

stefangabos commented 3 years ago

Is someone else logging in using the same credentials, from a different computer?

TebongA commented 3 years ago

Yes. I am expecting a few of my users to logged in to at least 2 or 3 computers using the same credential at the same time.

stefangabos commented 3 years ago

it's probably something that doesn't have to do with the library but with the way you store your "authenticated" state. you are likely using the hashed username / email address in the session and hence when somebody else is logging in with the same username / email address it will overwrite the first user's session

try adding other values to the hash like IP (if that is possible) or user agent

TebongA commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply. When I added a time stamp it will not work. Did I missed anything at all?

-- $date_time_stamp = time();

    return $this->query('

            ' . $this->table_name . '
        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
            session_data = VALUES(session_data),
            session_expire = VALUES(session_expire)


            ($this->lock_to_user_agent && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '') .
            ($this->lock_to_ip && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '') .
            $this->security_code . $date_time_stamp
        time() + $this->session_lifetime

    ) !== false;
stefangabos commented 3 years ago

wait, you are not supposed to write anything, ever, to the session table - that's an "internal" table, used by the library...

you have your own users table where you have, among all other data that you keep about your users, a session_id column. when that column is populated it means that the user is logged in.

when a user logs in, after you verify the email and the password on the users table, you update that user's session_id column with the value of session_id()

on all requests you check if the there's an entry in the users table where the value in the session_id column equals the value of `session_id()' - and that's the user that's currently logged in. if you get nothing, it means the users is not logged in

stefangabos commented 3 years ago

i think you are confused about what this library is for - it is not about authentication at all. it simply replaces the way PHP handles session data so that instead of it being stored in files on the server, it is stored in a MySQL database.

but you don't change anything at all in the way you use PHP session functions or the $_SESSION superglobal. you don't interact with it at all. you use PHP as you did before, it's just that in the background the session data is stored in a different place