stefanhaustein / TerminalImageViewer

Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block graphics characters
1.56k stars 111 forks source link

Suggestion for README #114

Closed doekman closed 2 years ago

doekman commented 2 years ago

With installing on Mac, brew couldn't find the formula.

With brew install tiv, brew performed a brew update --preinstall, but that didn't fix it.

After running brew update, tiv did install.

You might want to add a comment to option 1 that brew update might be necessary. This error will fade with time though...

aaronliu0130 commented 2 years ago

If brew update --preinstall didn't fix it then one thing probably went wrong in the process. brew update --preinstall should update formulae. brew update is mentioned in Homebrew's official README in the troubleshooting section and the official troubleshooting checklist, so I doubt that this is needed. Plus, I say that this falls better under the feature-request category.