stefanhaustein / TerminalImageViewer

Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block graphics characters
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Workflow for updating CImg #137

Closed aaronliu0130 closed 7 months ago

aaronliu0130 commented 7 months ago

How can we test this? Step-by-step instructions, please.

  1. Draft a release

What happened before?

We'd have to manually update CImg

What should happen with this fix?

CImg.h would auto-update if needed

Anything else we should know about this patch?

  1. Don't merge before the repository secret to be generated
  2. Ignore the astronomical amount of commits lol, they'll be squashed when I merge it.
penguin359 commented 7 months ago

Another possibility is including CImg.h by making the upstream repo a submodule in this one:

Submodules lock to a specific commit so the code won't change on you unless you commit a newer version in the parent repo. To do updates, you would still need to go into the child repo and do a git pull origin master and then, if it compiles and runs correctly, git commit the newer submodule in the parent repo, but it might be easier to track. The downside to submodules is it can require more work on the user doing a checkout. They have to git submodule update --init on their first checkout but it does keep a nice separation between code bases.

aaronliu0130 commented 7 months ago

I’ve considered that, but cloning the CImg repo requires downloading a lot more stuff than the library, including every single postcard the developers have received.