stefanhaustein / TerminalImageViewer

Small C++ program to display images in a (modern) terminal using RGB ANSI codes and unicode block graphics characters
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Feature request: support upscaling #73

Open ToxicFrog opened 4 years ago

ToxicFrog commented 4 years ago

I'd like to use tiv to replace some uses that I already use timg for, since it generally produces better results; however, they require it to be able to emit images exactly scaled to fit the tty height. tiv's -w and -h settings only set upper bounds on the image size, though; it won't upscale.

clort81 commented 4 years ago

you could write a wrapper script to use imagemagick to upscale image before running it through tiv.

stefanhaustein commented 4 years ago

Perhaps we could add uppercase -W / -H to force a specific width or height?