stefanhaustein / html5index

HTML 5 Javascript API index generator
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 11 forks source link

JavaScript -> Blockly -> BlueGriffon #4

Open ghost opened 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

Dear, I'm very interested in your work, because I'd like to export all the functions offered by JavaScript to Blockly, an Open Source Scratch-Like programming language, which can turn blocks in code. Now, if I could have your index data bound to Blockly, then Blockly as a BlueGriffon extension, here you are: WYSIWYG web applications editor, all in one, all local.

I'm just missing 2 points, which are crucial for my project: 1) I don't know which is the right file to download in order to have all functions listed 2) I need to automate new blocks generation and sorting in Blockly

So, please, can you help me in any way?

Thanks in advance if you do.