stefanhendriks / Dune-II---The-Maker

A remake of the classic Dune 2 - The Building of a Dynasty (by Westwood Studios) with several enhancements. Like: higher screenresolutions, zooming, multiselect, skirmish play, etc.
302 stars 27 forks source link

Add voice over for mentat briefings #528

Open stefanhendriks opened 2 years ago

stefanhendriks commented 2 years ago

Have voice-overs for mentats:

I don't know any voice actors. So I'd need to ask for help about this. I can try Twitter and such. Need to explain properly that:

  1. This is unpaid
  2. What the lines are to be recorded
stefanhendriks commented 2 years ago


"I would like to include voice-overs for the Bene Gesserit who describes the houses at the beginning of the campaign, as well as the mentat missions briefings themselves.

Unfortunately, I can't pay anyone for that. You'll get your name in the credits, but that's it. 

If you're interested, decide which character you want to audition for, read the text from the appropriate and send me an mp3 recording of you reading the text in character. Make sure the filename includes your name and the character you're playing."