stefanhts / wacket

A lisp inspired functional programming language which compiles to WebAssembly
MIT License
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Convert RTS to WASI #44

Open jmct opened 2 years ago

jmct commented 2 years ago

I think it might be worthwhile to use WASI for the RTS instead of the transliteration from the C RTS in CMSC430.

I still have more to investigate, but I think that long-term this will benefit the project as it will allow you to use alternative wasm engines (such as wasmtime for running natively).

The engineer that wrote the WASI API for wastime is willing to help me learn the ropes, so hopefully I'm able to do it.

I should probably make a separate issue for it, but what's the "ideal" use case for wacket? Writing web-app frontends in racket? If so it probably matters less that WASI is used (though there are probably still bit performance benefits as it's reduces the impedance mismatch.

stefanhts commented 2 years ago

We tried to do this originally, but the barrier to entry seemed too high and could not find a good starting point. This could be a good goal though.

stefanhts commented 2 years ago

We are still trying to figure out exactly where we want to go with this project. One of the more popular ideas at the moment is a fully web based development environment or something along those lines which runs the code in the browser instead of remotely. And with WASI it could run anywhere. Definitely will consider this as a next step

theduke commented 2 years ago

I'd really appreciate WASI support!