stefanjudis / grunt-phantomas

Grunt plugin wrapping phantomas to measure frontend performance
MIT License
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Phantomas error 252 #115

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I'm getting the following:

PHANTOMAS EXECUTION(S) STARTED. Executing phantomas ( 1 times ) with following parameters: {"timeout":300,"film-strip":false}

1 Phantomas execution(s) done -> checking results: Phantomas execution not successful -> 252 SOMETHING WENT WRONG... No run was successful.

It's running fine for all sites I'm trying on my network except for one. The only difference with this one is that it is a json based site using client-side templating and js framework. I've tried setting numberOfRuns to 10, increasing timeout, etc. but nothing works. If I run phantomas by itself it does work. Any ideas?


stefanjudis commented 9 years ago

Hey. :)

hmm... Could you tell me the site and paste the complete output of phantomas from the command line?

ghost commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately it's a company site that i can't give access, but here is the result from phantomas only:

$ phantomas phantomas: (252) Timeout phantomas v1.5.0 metrics for

Offenders for gzipRequests (6):

Offenders for postRequests (1):

Offenders for ajaxRequests (10):

Offenders for htmlCount (5):

Offenders for cssCount (2):

Offenders for jsCount (8):

Offenders for jsonCount (1):

Offenders for imageCount (1):

Offenders for cachingNotSpecified (1):

Offenders for cachingTooShort (10):

Offenders for oldCachingHeaders (10):

Offenders for domainsWithCookies (1):

Offenders for domains (2):

Offenders for DOMqueriesByClassName (20):

Offenders for DOMqueriesByTagName (18):

Offenders for DOMinserts (5):

Offenders for DOMqueriesDuplicated (12):

Offenders for eventsBound (11):

Offenders for globalVariables (15):

Offenders for headersBiggerThanContent (1):

Offenders for jsErrors (5):

Offenders for assetsNotGzipped (10):

Offenders for assetsWithCookies (1):

Offenders for smallImages (1):

Offenders for timeToFirstCss (431):

Offenders for timeToFirstJs (398):

Offenders for timeToFirstImage (1013):

Offenders for smallestResponse (215):

Offenders for biggestResponse (414235):

Offenders for fastestResponse (113):

Offenders for slowestResponse (2560):

Offenders for smallestLatency (109):

Offenders for biggestLatency (2549):

stefanjudis commented 9 years ago

Well when I run phantomas against google I got the following output.

$ phantomas                                                                                 [0:02:26]
phantomas v1.5.0 metrics for <>:

Your output shows additionally

phantomas: (252) Timeout

That's definitely an issue on phantomas side, but without access @macbre probably can't help, too. But if you like you can file an issue on phantomas itself. Sorry that I can't do much about it.

I'm closing here. :)