stefanjudis / grunt-phantomas

Grunt plugin wrapping phantomas to measure frontend performance
MIT License
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Config option for grouping metrics #30

Closed stefanjudis closed 10 years ago

stefanjudis commented 10 years ago

Set up a new config option for grouping metrics. I'm thinking of something like.

group : {
  foo : ['gzipRequest', ... ] // first group with 'foo' headline
  bar : ['timeA', 'timeB' ] // second group with 'bar' headline

So that the user can completely decide by him/herself. And then notifying the use in build process if phantomas generated metric that wasn't in group option.

Any opinion on that @shama & @Greg-Boggs?

shama commented 10 years ago

:thumbsup: Great idea!

Greg-Boggs commented 10 years ago

That would be killer.

stefanjudis commented 10 years ago

Will be included in version 0.5.0.

Default will be:

group        : {
  'REQUESTS' : [
  'TIMINGS' : [
  'HTML' : [
  'DOM' : [
  'HEADERS' : [
  'CASHING' : [
  'COOKIES' : [
  'COUNTS & SIZES' : [
  'JQUERY' : [