stefannelson / pyNTRU

Python implementation of NTRU.
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Higher key_params causes Zero Division Error. #1

Open stefannelson opened 3 years ago

stefannelson commented 3 years ago

In, changing the security level (N,p,q) to any setting other than low (11,3,61) causes a zero divisor error.

sympy.polys.polyerrors.NotInvertible: zero divisor.

stefannelson commented 3 years ago

It looks like this problem occurs during certain parameters. Specifically,

For each of these, I did a check in '' that generates keys, encrypts, decrypts, and returns a truth value if the original message matches the decrypted message. I ran some tests with the following parameters, each with df, dg, dr = 7,6,5 :

Adjusting N: N,p,q = 71, 3, 61 returns True. N,p,q = 199, 3, 61 returns True. N,p,q = 941, 3, 61 returns True. N,p,q = 2129, 3, 61 returns True.

Adjusting q: N,p,q = 167, 3, 61 returns True. N,p,q = 167, 3, 47 returns True.

N,p,q = 167, 3, 62 raises a 'NotInvertible' error.

The problem appears to be with q. However,

N,p,q = 167, 3, 61 and df,dg,dr = 100,99,98 returns False. N,p,q = 167, 3, 61 and df,dg,dr = 166,66,5 returns True. N,p,q = 167, 3, 61 and df,dg,dr = 166,66,35 returns True or False. Probability of failing seems to drop off around dr = 20.

It appears that higher values for how many +- 1 coefficients are inserted in polynomial r affect whether or not encryption/decryption works.

Conclusion: Encryption/Decryption does not appear to work for large trinary polynomials for functions f, g, and r if we have q>61 (otherwise it crashes) and/or dr between 20 and 25 (still runs, but increases likelihood of failing).