stefanoa / SASlideMenu

Library to create iOS sliding menu compatible with storyboards
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issue with scrolling of menulist table view when items are more than 12 #9

Closed ankitherocker closed 11 years ago

ankitherocker commented 11 years ago

the whole UI along with the Content goes up when the menuitems are more than 12 & we scroll the menutiem to select the last item.

stefanoa commented 11 years ago

The problem is that the SASlideMenuViewController inherit form UITableViewController in order to allow static cells in IB and UITableViewController has as main view a tableview that is scrollable. To avoid this problem I should use a simple UIView as main view, it will contain the menu items and the content. That way it will work butI will loose the ability to manage the menu items as static cells in IB.

ankitherocker commented 11 years ago

I am ok with dynamic cells. I am getting data items from the restful service & I am creating them dynamically. Now the problem is, I have integrated it in my app & works awesome but now I am getting more than 12 menu items. I dont want to change SASlideMenu with some other one as this is perfect for me. Can you please help to fix this anyway? Would be glad if we can fix it without changing to some other plugin.

stefanoa commented 11 years ago

Ok, I will create a new class that will handle dynamic tables

ankitherocker commented 11 years ago

Glad. Thanks a lot. I would be waiting for the same. :)

stefanoa commented 11 years ago

Now it should work, look at ExampleDynamicMenuViewController. It is an example on how to use the dynamic version. The MainStoryboard now has the initial segue set to the dynamic example view controller.

ankitherocker commented 11 years ago

Thanks a lot. I will check and revert you today itself. Once again! thanks. :)

ankitherocker commented 11 years ago

Hey Thanks a lot. Worked like a charm. :) you saved my day. Best slidemenu ever used. Though I have two more problems that I am not able to do- 1) when you click the menu button to slide out and close, it first slide to right side a while & then closes. I dont want that slideOutIn effect. 2) This has slide menu on left, I need it on right side as well as now used by TechCrunch & Facebook etc.

Would be great to get your help on these as well.

stefanoa commented 11 years ago

OK I will immediately fix Issue 1) and I will also add the right panel. I will close this issue and open two new ones