stefanocudini / leaflet-search

Search stuff in a Leaflet map
MIT License
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use with WFS (geoserver) #43

Open keno-teixeira opened 10 years ago

keno-teixeira commented 10 years ago

I need a help to use library In example json :

map.addControl( new L.Control.Search({
    url: '{s}', 
    jsonpParam: 'json_callback',
    propertyName: 'display_name',
    propertyLoc: ['lat','lon'],
    markerLocation: true,
    autoType: false,
    autoCollapse: true,
    minLength: 2,
}) );

alter this URL for

map.addControl( new L.Control.Search({
   url: 'http://localhost/geoserver/ows?service=WFS&version=1.1.1&request=GetFeature&typeName=sedhab%3Alote_siturb&CQL_FILTER=conjunto%20like%20%27{s}%27&outputFormat=application/json&format_options=json&SrsName=EPSG%3A4326&osm_type=N&limit=100&addressdetails=0&json_callback=L.Control.Search.callJsonp',
   jsonpParam: 'json_callback',
   propertyName: 'display_name',
   propertyLoc: ['lat','lon'],
   markerLocation: true,
   autoType: false,
   autoCollapse: true,
   minLength: 2,
}) );

I would like ajustar for my WSF(geoserver), you can get help us.

Yorit commented 9 years ago

I am looking something like this. Does it works for you?

rmarzocchi84 commented 5 years ago

any news about this option?

There is a public WFS performed for search using mapstore by "Comune di Genova"

I try using leaflet-search but without success

  var searchOpts = {
        url: '',
        //jsonpParam: 'json_callback',
        formatData: formatJSON,
        zoom: 17,
        minLength: 2,
        autoType: false,
        marker: {
            icon: false,
            animate: false
lefcgis commented 3 years ago

Doesn't work

OculiViridi commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue, so the search by ajax request didn't seem to work. But, after a very very long journey through the library and with a little help from GeoServer documentation and tests on my GeoServer instance, I was finally able to let it work! 😄

This is the code sample.

var searchControl = new L.Control.Search({
    url: `

     * In the URL please note the following:
     * - &callback: parameter name, according to GeoServer documentation
     * - &CQL_FILTER: contains the <Field LIKE 'value'> format and uses '%value%' (the %25 before and after {s})
     * - &outputFormat=text/javascript
     * - &format_options=callback%3A%20L.Control.Search.callJsonp

    jsonpParam: 'callback',

     * A custom function to format data according to the expected "indexed data object" used in leaflet-search.js.
     * Starting from the WFS JSON result, a new JSON is made that looks like:
     * {
     *      Arizona: LatLng { lat: 42.00015156, lng: 13.244107615, layer: defaultOptions: {pane: 'overlayPane', attribution: null, bubblingMouseEvents: true}
     *          feature: {type: 'Feature', id: 'radon_concentrazioni_medie.5491', geometry: {…}, geometry_name: 'Geom', properties: {...}, ...}
     *          options: {pane: 'overlayPane', attribution: null, bubblingMouseEvents: true, fill: true, smoothFactor: 1, ...}
     *          _bounds: LatLngBounds {_southWest: LatLng, _northEast: LatLng}
     *          _eventParents: {19078: NewClass}
     *          _initHooksCalled: true
     *          _latlngs: [Array(1)]
     *          _leaflet_id: 19077 }, 
     *      Colorado: LatLng {lat: 45.652882945, lng: 11.18488668, layer: ...},
     *      Texas: LatLng {lat: 45.308933205, lng: 11.861608145, layer: ...}
     * }
    formatData: function (json) {
        let result = {};

        if (json['type'] === 'FeatureCollection') {
            for(let i = 0; i < json['features'].length; i++) {
                let layer = L.geoJson(json['features'][i]).getLayers()[0];
                let loc = layer.getBounds().getCenter();
                loc.layer = layer;
                result[this._getPath(json['features'][i]['properties'], this.options.propertyName)] = loc;

        return result;
    propertyName: 'title', // Set the desired property used to make the search
    propertyLoc: ['lat','lon'],
    marker: false,
    textErr: 'Not found',
    textCancel: 'Cancel',
    textPlaceholder: 'Search...',
    minLength: 2,
    autoType: false,
    autoCollapse: false,
    initial: false,

let me = this;

    .on('search:locationfound', function (e) {
         * Here you can add a call to another function that using the 'searchControl.options.propertyName' and ''
         * can make another call to WFS to get the selected geometry and add and highlight it on the map.
    .on('search:collapsed', function (e) {
        if (
shkril commented 8 months ago

When I'm using this code, I have an error: Uncaught TypeError: this._getPath is not a function. Can anyone help me?