stefanofontanelli / ColanderAlchemy

ColanderAlchemy helps you autogenerating Colander schemas based on SQLAlchemy mapped objects.
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Allow includes to support dot notation #105

Open Joishi opened 6 years ago

Joishi commented 6 years ago

Added complex schema and new test for new functionality

If test is ran to generate full Route schema, it creates 113 total SQLAlchemySchemaNode objects as it traverses all relationships. For small orms this may not be an issue, but the problem gets exponentially worse as the size of the orm grows. This commit will enable users to explicitly state which relationships and columns to include in subnodes by allowing for dot-notation syntax in the includes keyword arg.

Resolves: #97

grant-humphries commented 6 years ago

@tisdall I know it can be a hellish job running an open source project so thank you very much for doing it here. Is there anything I could do to expedite the acceptance of this pull request?

tisdall commented 6 years ago

I'm really not active with this project any more and haven't used it in years now. So, I'm a little concerned about pushing out changes that may negatively affect current users of the project. I suppose if I saw enough people upvote this or comments about people actively using it I would be a little more confident about it.

In your own projects, you can actively use this directly from github by adding to requirements.txt the following (not tested):

-e git+

Or running pip install -e git+