stefanogualdi / grails-ckeditor

Grails CKEditor plugin
Apache License 2.0
23 stars 32 forks source link

Clean install Grails 3.1.6 and ckeditor tags not recognised #26

Open goedef opened 8 years ago

goedef commented 8 years ago

I am a happy user of the ckeditor plugin. Until now I was working with Grails 2.x. Before migrating my current applications to Grails 3.x I am testing all my favourite plugins.

When I create a clean application and add the following: repositories { maven { url "" } } dependencies { compile "org.grails.plugins:ckeditor:" }

The ckeditor plugin is not "recognised" by Grails. Meaning tha the ckeditor:xxxxx/ tags do not get converted to the expected links etc.

goedef commented 8 years ago

I tried to build the plugin myself locally. Gradle complaint about a missing "websiteUrl" definition and could not publish the plugin locally tomaven. I added a url and now it works locally.

stefanogualdi commented 8 years ago

I tried but I cannot reproduce the problem with a new clean project using grails 3.1.6.

puneetbehl commented 8 years ago

@goedef I think it would be great if you could share the sample project replicating the problem.

mkobel commented 8 years ago

I have the sames problem as @stefanogualdi : I have a project where ckeditor is not recognized and I could not yet reproduced the behaviour with an clean example project.

I just recognized one difference using IntelliJ : The broken project shows the org.grails.plugins:ckeditor:zip: in the list of external libraries, the working example just shows org.grails.plugins:ckeditor: ( without :zip: ).

But on the other hand, ./gradlew dependencies shows in both projects just org.grails.plugins:ckeditor:

a200612 commented 8 years ago

Its a really bad idea to use the same version scheme for the Grails 2 and the Grails 3 plugin. I just figured out that the old Grails 2 plugin version gets downloaded instead of the Grails 3 plugin version

a200612 commented 8 years ago

For me it helped to delete the Grails 2 version from the $HOME/.m2 directory then he uses the Grails 3 version from the $HOME/.gradle directory.

stefanogualdi commented 8 years ago

You are right @a200612, really a bad idea! It was a stupid mistake! Do you have any proposal on how to change the version scheme?