stefanopini / simple-HRNet

Multi-person Human Pose Estimation with HRNet in Pytorch
GNU General Public License v3.0
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What is the pose tracking method used in this simple-HRNet #67

Closed jellyfish1456 closed 4 years ago

jellyfish1456 commented 4 years ago

Hi~ Thank you for sharing this awesome job

I wanna ask that what is the tracking method you add in simple-HRNet? Because the original method and paper seems to be no tracking method in it?

Thank you~

stefanopini commented 4 years ago


It is a trivial tracking by detection algorithm, defined here:

In short, it builds a similarity matrix between the previous and the current detections (based on bbox and pose similarity) then it associates previous and current detections with the Munkres algorithm to maximize the similarity of the associations.