stefanpaduraru / playlist-randomizer

A small React app that makes use of Redux, React Router and Material UI
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Playlists not loading #25

Open joro8425 opened 3 years ago

joro8425 commented 3 years ago


I have been having an issue for a little while where several of my playlists simply do not load any of their videos into the player. Submitting the url makes the playlist appear in the list of selectable options on the main page, but when clicked on leads to the player page with a "1/0" video number indicator in the song list window (see image).

This can occasionally be remedied by re-entering the url, but once the page is reloaded the problem begins again.

Thank you again for your work on this site! It is an amazing part of my daily life.


Patashu commented 3 years ago

when this happens, what I do is back out to the main playlist-randomizer site and click the clockwise arrow symbol. after enough waiting and fiddling it eventually fully loads. would be nice if it could handle it for you though