stefanpaduraru / playlist-randomizer

A small React app that makes use of Redux, React Router and Material UI
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shuffling is very... chunky? #26

Open DewOnTheGrass opened 3 years ago

DewOnTheGrass commented 3 years ago

Not sure how to phrase it better. The shuffling of the playlist doesn't seem to cover the entirety of the playlist, but instead seems to shuffle the X# most recent songs first, then the next X#, etc.

Patashu commented 3 years ago

the initial shuffle is chunky, but after shuffling it one more time it seems to work OK

peterfab9845 commented 8 months ago

I suspect each page of results is being shuffled as it's fetched, rather than shuffling everything after it's all fetched. The queries are made with maxResults=50, and this fits the outcome I see.