stefanpaduraru / playlist-randomizer

A small React app that makes use of Redux, React Router and Material UI
48 stars 11 forks source link

[Feature Request] Skip Key Functionality #37

Closed StormDragon-64 closed 10 months ago

StormDragon-64 commented 1 year ago

On some keyboards, there is a key that lets you skip to the next video. This button works with a YouTube playlist but doesn't work when using playlist randomizer. If you don't have this button on your keyboard, the same button is available when clicking the windows 11 control center (idk the actual name for it, it's the place where you can turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, etc.) and the button is grayed out when using playlist randomizer but works when playing a normal YouTube playlist. Seems easy to implement, as it would just have the same functionality as the next track button that's already on the site.