stefanpaduraru / playlist-randomizer

A small React app that makes use of Redux, React Router and Material UI
48 stars 11 forks source link

Enable/Disable background changes #6

Closed plague42 closed 4 years ago

plague42 commented 4 years ago

Love the program, does exactly what it needs and way better than youtube's!

Before this I used the Valami one, until it didn't work anymore, but one cool functionality of it was to customize font and background color. It wasn't picture customization, but rather color only, and I kinda miss that.

It could be considered more of a suggestion than an issue, but then again the background change at every video makes my browser (firefox) freeze for some seconds, and the music stutters too. Only way I've found currently is to "inspect element" and disable the background, making it bright white (but it solves the freeze and stuttering issues).


Thanks for your work! I'd love to help, but I know next to nothing in coding :/
stefanpaduraru commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the suggestion 👍 . I'll include a toggle for that in the near future. Cheers

stefanpaduraru commented 4 years ago