stefanpartheym / archlinux-ipu6-webcam

Easy installation for patched Intel IPU6 camera drivers
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update driver to be able to compile on Linux 6.3 #19

Closed sigboe closed 1 year ago

sigboe commented 1 year ago

Note that currently does not compile, and does try to update to this. This is not relevant for this commit.

As a workaround, if you just want to test this Merge Request, If you have icamerasrc-git installed you can just temporarily remove that from general_dependencies in, or if you don't have it installed at all git clone cd into the dir, edit PKGBUILD and change the source array to be this


this just pulls down the older commit that works. Install the package using makepkg -sic and then should complete if you removed icamerasrc-git from the general_dependencies.

Writing this workaround here to help people, and fixing this is out of scope for this merge request.

catduckgnaf commented 1 year ago

I just installed Manjaro last night on my X1 Carbon 10th Gen, and so glad I found this. I had gone to a higher kernel in search of support before finding this project. Your PR and instructions were perfect and allowed.

With that said, I have not yet got my camera to work, but I can confirm it compiles successfully. :)

sigboe commented 1 year ago

@catduckgnaf check if there is an issue that fits, or open a new issue. Note that Manjaro doesn't always play nicely with AUR (I'm not talking about manjaro ddosing the AUR). But your issue might be relevant to more users. Include things like the output of when you run and lsusb and lspci and errors you might have.

sigboe commented 1 year ago

@stefanpartheym This weekend I also reworked the script to try to update the dependencies, but throw a warning instead of erroring out if they are fulfilled but can't be updated. Will post another Merge Request this evening. That should put us almost back on track, except for new users, who need to install an older version of icamerasrc-git

If you want I can throw a third merge request to to move this package to a PKGBUILD in the repo, since this package apparently according to comments in the AUR has not been able to build on the newest version for over 1 and a half months.

oles commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much for this, @sigboe! Your PR and info made the camera work again on my XPS 13 9315 :partying_face:

catduckgnaf commented 1 year ago

Hello, This might be beyond the scope, but I thought it had compiled correctly, but when I uninstalled and tried again I noticed errors.

"==> ERROR: Missing 4.19.283-1-MANJARO kernel modules tree for module ivsc-driver/r36.c8db12b."

I did check the other issues, and I do believe I am having an issue with not going to sleep, but given that I just installed over the weekend, there is a chance it never worked.

Overall hardware acceleration also seems to be having trouble as well, not sure if thats related.

I apologize, as I am new to Arch/Manjaro, so any help you could give me would be fantastic. Although I will say I am much more happy with it then others.

icamera.txt install.txt lspci.txt lsusb.txt

sigboe commented 1 year ago

@catduckgnaf first of all it seams like you are using kernel 4.19, It's normal for Majaro to do weird stuff like this, 4.19 is an LTS kernel, why is there no LTS monicer in the kernel name? Also the newest LTS kernel is 6.1, I think thats the oldest supported version of this driver. second, there is no --force argument in but that reminds me I should really add for the script to handle arguments in a better way so it could error out when using arguments not found.

Anyway, switch to kernel 6.1 or newer. Also this Merge Request fixes compiling for kernel 6.3, so if thats not your issue, please check out the Issue section

catduckgnaf commented 1 year ago

@sigboe my uname shows me on 6.3, that's the weird part. Not sure why. I'm going to fresh install today and see if the error comes up again.

sigboe commented 1 year ago

@catduckgnaf just uninstall 4.19

catduckgnaf commented 1 year ago

That the thing, I couldn't find 4.19 anywhere. Only the one kernel installed. The script is automatically choosing 4.19 and not giving me an option to select 6.3 or any others. What would be the way to force the script on 6.3?

sigboe commented 1 year ago

@catduckgnaf Open an issue pertaining to supporting Manjaro and I'll try to help you there. I won't commit to supporting Manjaro, because they do things in ass backwards ways, both breaking support for AUR, accidentally DDOSing AUR on a regular basis, bad security, and just doing things in arbitrarily random weird ways. But the very least I'll see if I can help you. I won't go into steps to figure out whats wrong for you here, since this is a PR to support Linux 6.3 not a PR to support Manjaro.

sigboe commented 1 year ago

@stefanpartheym Note there is a new release of the ipu6-driver, it looks like a 1.0.0 alpha, but it doesn't include any new commits newer than 8c02a84 so this PR is still up to date

gammons commented 11 months ago

FWIW, I had the same issue as @catduckgnaf:

ERROR: Missing 4.19.288-1-MANJARO kernel modules tree for module ipu6-drivers/r103.8e410803b.

Following the command from this page helped me get the ipu6-drivers installed:

sudo pacman -S $(ls /boot | awk -F "-" '/^linux/ { print $1"-headers" }')

It installed linux-61-headers, and once those were available, the dkms modules built correctly.