stefanpartheym / archlinux-ipu6-webcam

Easy installation for patched Intel IPU6 camera drivers
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Test works but apps only have black output #52

Open lmaksymenko opened 8 months ago

lmaksymenko commented 8 months ago

Hey guys. I've had the drivers work just fine for me in the past. I haven't used the webcam much so I'm not sure when exactly the issue started.

Currently, running will open a window with a live camera stream. Everything works great. However, applications which worked in the past (Discord, Firefox, Chromium, etc) all find the camera but only show a black screen.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling so far, but not too much more.

I suspect this is something related to v4l2 virtual camera, but I honestly don't have a clue as to where to start debugging it.

Any help would be appreciated!

stefanpartheym commented 7 months ago

Which kernel version are you running on? As described in issue #40 , it is currently not working on kernel versions 6.6.x. On kernel versions 6.5.x please make sure to follow the instructions Solving error WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "icamerasrc" in the README.

catwell commented 7 months ago

I had the same issue on 6.5.x and it was due to the YUY2 issue (which is solved by running sh -a).

Commands which helped me figure it out:

systemctl status v4l2-relayd.service
gst-inspect-1.0 -b
lmaksymenko commented 7 months ago

Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I'll provide more specific info I guess. This was back on kernel 6.5.x but 6.6.x broke it conclusively.

When running ./ I would not get any errors. It would make the window and show me live video just fine. The only issue would be in all other apps where I would only be getting a black output (tried reinstalling using -a flag but it didn't help.

I'll try downgrading and reproducing it later this week and let you guys know if I can get it to work.


benediktmag commented 6 months ago

Same here, works but no black screen on all other applications. Running as root does not seem to be the problem. I'm running Endeavour with kernel 6.6.4.