stefanpartheym / archlinux-ipu6-webcam

Easy installation for patched Intel IPU6 camera drivers
133 stars 14 forks source link

Camera is not working - multiple problems #60

Closed vavra7 closed 1 month ago

vavra7 commented 7 months ago

Hello, sometime during the summer, I still had a working camera thanks to this repository, so I am really grateful for your work! Sometimes when I updated the operating system the camera stopped working, however it was always possible to solve it by running sh ./, cloning the latest repository and running sh ./ again. Once it stopped helping and because I'm lazy I decided to wait for the next update that will solve my problem, which still hasn't happened and that's why I decided to read through this repository and find solution for my problem.

So having cloned latest repository, installing and restarting the system:

sh ./ ``` WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "icamerasrc" ```

Following the instructions in I run sh ./ then delete cache rm -rf ~/.cache/yay/icamerasrc-git and reinstall. After rebooting I run the test again.

sh ./ ``` WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "icamerasrc" ```

I verify that the package exists

pacman -Q icamerasrc-git ``` icamerasrc-git r67.528a6f1-1 ```

Just to be sure, I run installation of the package manually.

yay -S icamerasrc-git ``` AUR Explicit (1): icamerasrc-git-r57.2d36ade-1 :: PKGBUILD up to date, skipping download: icamerasrc-git 1 icamerasrc-git (Installed) (Build Files Exist) ==> Packages to cleanBuild? ==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4) ==> 1 icamerasrc-git (Installed) (Build Files Exist) ==> Diffs to show? ==> [N]one [A]ll [Ab]ort [I]nstalled [No]tInstalled or (1 2 3, 1-3, ^4) ==> ==> Making package: icamerasrc-git r57.2d36ade-1 (Mon 04 Dec 2023 10:29:28 AM CET) ==> Retrieving sources... -> Updating icamerasrc git repo... -> Found 70-ipu6-psys.rules ==> WARNING: Skipping verification of source file PGP signatures. ==> Validating source files with sha256sums... icamerasrc ... Skipped 70-ipu6-psys.rules ... Passed :: (1/1) Parsing SRCINFO: icamerasrc-git ==> Making package: icamerasrc-git r57.2d36ade-1 (Mon 04 Dec 2023 10:29:29 AM CET) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> Retrieving sources... -> Updating icamerasrc git repo... -> Found 70-ipu6-psys.rules ==> Validating source files with sha256sums... icamerasrc ... Skipped 70-ipu6-psys.rules ... Passed ==> Removing existing $srcdir/ directory... ==> Extracting sources... -> Creating working copy of icamerasrc git repo... Cloning into 'icamerasrc'... done. Switched to a new branch 'makepkg' ==> Starting pkgver()... ==> Updated version: icamerasrc-git r67.528a6f1-1 ==> Sources are ready. -> icamerasrc-git-r67.528a6f1-1 already made -- skipping build ==> Making package: icamerasrc-git r67.528a6f1-1 (Mon 04 Dec 2023 10:29:32 AM CET) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==> Checking buildtime dependencies... ==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree ==> Starting pkgver()... ==> Sources are ready. loading packages... warning: icamerasrc-git-r67.528a6f1-1 is up to date -- reinstalling resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages... Packages (1) icamerasrc-git-r67.528a6f1-1 Total Installed Size: 0.26 MiB Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] (1/1) checking keys in keyring [#####################################################] 100% (1/1) checking package integrity [#####################################################] 100% (1/1) loading package files [#####################################################] 100% (1/1) checking for file conflicts [#####################################################] 100% (1/1) checking available disk space [#####################################################] 100% :: Processing package changes... (1/1) reinstalling icamerasrc-git [#####################################################] 100% :: Running post-transaction hooks... (1/2) Reloading device manager configuration... (2/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate... ```

Then I restart the system and try the test again.

sh ./ ``` Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... [12-04 10:38:44.243] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov13b10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.243] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov13b10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov13b10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov13b10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov8856.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov8856.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.244] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov8856.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov8856.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov01a10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov01a10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov01a10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov01a10.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1BG203N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.245] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1BG203N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1SG204N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1SG204N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_CIFME14_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_CIFME14_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1BG203N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1BG203N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1SG204N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_1SG204N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_CIFME14_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV02C10_CIFME14_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV2740_CJFLE23_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.246] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV2740_CJFLE23_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_1SG205N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_1SG205N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_CJFME18_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_CJFME18_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_1SG205N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_1SG205N3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_CJFME18_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HM2170_CJFME18_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HI556_1BG502T3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HI556_1BG502T3_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HI556_CJFLE25_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name HI556_CJFLE25_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov01a1s.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name ov01a1s.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.247] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV08A10_YHUT_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name OV08A10_YHUT_ADL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.248] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name IMX390_HDR_TGL.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.249] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] aiqb file name AR0234_TGL_10bits.aiqb [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[ERR] invalid media format, default value used. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[INF] (null), media format in tuning: 0, media format for aic 0. [12-04 10:38:44.250] CamHAL[ERR] Failed to find DevName for cameraId: 0, get video node: ov13b10 , devname: /dev/v4l-subdev1 [12-04 10:38:44.252] CamHAL[ERR] MediaControl init failed Failed to set pipeline to PAUSED. Setting pipeline to NULL ... Freeing pipeline ... [12-04 10:38:44.425] CamHAL[WAR] Seems camera device 0 is not closed properly (pid 4550). ```

I found a similar issue here #56 and further referring to #33. So I tried adding lines to the dracut config.

sudo sh -c 'echo -e omit_drivers+=\" intel_ipu6 intel_ipu6_isys intel_ipu6_psys intel_vsc mei_vsc v4l2loopback \" > /etc/dracut.conf.d/ipu6.conf' ``` sh: line 1: /etc/dracut.conf.d/ipu6.conf: No such file or directory ```

I checked if dracut is in another folder, but this command ls /etc | grep dracut returns nothing. So apparently nothing like dracut in the etc folder on my system.

And that's where I ended up. Any help on how to get my camera working again would be appreciated.

Here is some additional info about my system:

neofetch ``` -` vavra@Arch-XPS .o+` -------------- `ooo/ OS: Arch Linux x86_64 `+oooo: Host: XPS 9320 `+oooooo: Kernel: 6.6.3-arch1-1 -+oooooo+: Uptime: 28 mins `/:-:++oooo+: Packages: 1329 (pacman) `/++++/+++++++: Shell: fish 3.6.1 `/++++++++++++++: Resolution: 1920x1200 `/+++ooooooooooooo/` DE: GNOME 45.2 ./ooosssso++osssssso+` WM: Mutter .oossssso-````/ossssss+` WM Theme: Adwaita -osssssso. :ssssssso. Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3] :osssssss/ osssso+++. Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3] /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- Terminal: gnome-terminal `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- CPU: 12th Gen Intel i7-1260P (16) @ 4.700GHz `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: GPU: Intel Alder Lake-P GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] `++:. `-/+/ Memory: 4200MiB / 31706MiB .` `/ ```
stefanpartheym commented 4 months ago

Hi @vavra7,

specifically regarding the issue WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "icamerasrc" (also mentioned in #74), I updated the section in the readme on how to fix this error. Please consider trying the "new" approach. Not sure, if this will fix your issue though. But always consider testing via and other applications like browsers (via the webrtc URL provided in the section Chromium and Firefox-based browsers).

stefanpartheym commented 1 month ago

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