stefanpenner / ember-app-kit

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Production build failed (grunt:dist) on fresh clone of EAK #646

Open mhenley-uk opened 9 years ago

mhenley-uk commented 9 years ago

Based off of a previous issue raised for the same thing...

Did anyone ever get to the bottom of this as to what the root cause was, I've hit this issue for the past couple of days on several ember projects and I've tried "npm cache clear" which has been mentioned with no success.

"Running "uglify:dist\assets\app.min.js" (uglify) task { message: 'Unexpected token name «Object», expected punc «,»', line: 129, col: 134, pos: 3616 },

Uglifying source "dist/assets/app.min.js" failed. Warning: Uglification failed. Unexpected token name «Object», expected punc «,». Line 129 in dist/assets/app.min.js" I'm currently working with a fresh clone of EAK and I've managed to isolate the issue down to the uglification of the Ember templates. Delete all templates and then grunt dist command is successful...add them back in only using the application.hbs file with "{{outlet}}" as the only entry and the grunt task failed again. I've even tried just an empty version of "application.hbs" with the same result.

I'm in the situation where we are in the middle of sprint for our MVP with no option of trying out Ember CLI so we are stuck trying to overcome this issue.

Anyone got ideas going forwards as to what it may be or where I might be best to look?



mhenley-uk commented 9 years ago

I only logged this as a last resort due to the inactive nature of EAK.

For anyone that is interested it was down to peer dependencies within grunt-ember-templates. Here is the associated issue...