stefanprodan / k8s-scw-baremetal

Kubernetes installer for Scaleway bare-metal AMD64 and ARMv7
MIT License
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Is VC1S supported at AMS1? #21

Closed gris-gris closed 5 years ago

gris-gris commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to deploy k8s at VC1S instances?

terraform apply \
-var region=ams1 \
-var arch=x86_64 \
-var server_type=VC1S \
-var nodes=1 \
-var server_type_node=VC1S \
-var weave_passwd=fk43fnk%4$ \
-var docker_version=17.12.0-ce-0-ubuntu
  The Organization ID (a.k.a. 'access key') for Scaleway API operations.


  The API key for Scaleway API operations.


data.scaleway_image.xenial: Refreshing state...

Error: Error refreshing state: 1 error(s) occurred:

* data.scaleway_image.xenial: 1 error(s) occurred:

* data.scaleway_image.xenial: data.scaleway_image.xenial: The query returned more than one result. Please refine your query.
justinclift commented 6 years ago

At a general thought, from the The query returned more than one result. Please refine your query bit it sounds like the problem is in the query not being specific enough, so more results were returned than can be handled.

You'll probably need to hit it with a debugger (or even add a Println() type of thing) to display the returned results so you can figure out what bit needs changing. :smile:

stephenmoloney commented 5 years ago

I think this might work with a newer version of the terraform-scaleway-provider.

stefanprodan commented 5 years ago

Closing this as it was a Scaleway Terraform provider bug and not related to this project.