stefanprodan / swarmprom

Docker Swarm instrumentation with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager
MIT License
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what are the CPU/memory requirements for these dockers #72

Open manikmi opened 6 years ago

manikmi commented 6 years ago

this is a question only. Can we know the CPU/memory requirements for this whole package?

mh720 commented 6 years ago

I recently forked swarmprom from Stefan (it's too good a stack not to use) and packaged some additional DevOps workflow into it, please take a look at

On a 3 node docker swarm running all of swarmstack (which includes HA docker storage and HTTPS by-default for all the tools), I'm seeing ~1.45GB used per host. At most, I'd guess 3GB total for just the tools included in swarmprom, split across as many hosts in your cluster.