stefanprodan / timoni

Timoni is a package manager for Kubernetes, powered by CUE and inspired by Helm.
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Importing Kubernetes Alpha/Beta Versions #308

Closed Nalum closed 6 months ago

Nalum commented 6 months ago

Maybe I've missed it in the command timoni mod vendor k8s but there doesn't appear to be a way to get v1beta1 etc structure versions. Is this intentional or is there a flag for the command that should pull these too?

Nalum commented 6 months ago

Ah I see it's coming from am I okay to create PR to add these?

Nalum commented 6 months ago

Though looking at this they are explicitly being removed, maybe adding another OCI artifact that holds the beta resources and another with the alpha resources would be good? Allowing module authors to pull down the versions they want?

Nalum commented 6 months ago

While digging further into this I realised the issue I have is around the migration from PodSecurityPolicy to the newer PodSecurity Admission Controller. So the question I have now is what approach should be taken to support both options?

From 1.25 onward I believe PodSecurityPolicy is no longer in the schema, so to use it I'd need to get 1.24. So I guess the thing to do is have a support matrix of what version of the module supports what version of Kubernetes?

stefanprodan commented 6 months ago

1.24 is no longer supported upstream. Beta and Alpha APIs are no longer enabled by default in Kubernetes and no managed service supports them. The reason I kept only GA APIs is that going forward only those are officially supported upstream.

Nalum commented 6 months ago

That makes sense! Thank you.

When thinking about this I should be working with this in mind?

stefanprodan commented 6 months ago

Kubernetes GA APIs are backwards compatible, so by keeping a module up to date with the schemas of the latest Kubernetes minor release, you will ensure that your module is compatible with all supported versions. For the APIs that are made GA in the latest release, to make use of them and not break the module on older version, you can conditionally include them. Example here:

Nalum commented 6 months ago

Thanks Stefan, much appreciated!