stefanrinderle / softvis3d

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Remove getVisualization webservice and replace with frontend implementation #105

Closed stefanrinderle closed 7 years ago

stefanrinderle commented 7 years ago

The plugin currently depends on the custom backend webservice getVisualization. This is the last leftover from "calc and layout in the backend" to "all logic in the frontend" thing we do for a while now.

At the end, there should be no more getVisualization service.

stefanrinderle commented 7 years ago

Webservice replacement

The main issue with SonarQube here is that it does not provide a real tree (althoug the webservice is named "component_tree".

The process is now as follows: (1) Request the direct children of the root component (only dir, and suprojects) (2a) For each sub-project, recursively start from (2) (2b) For each directory, request all the files in the dir

This sounds strange, but please take a closer look at the webservices to discuss this.

Tree logic

We have to build up a tree based on the path info provided by SQ. This can be done based on the response which is sorted by the path.

After the tree is created, some optimization have to take place:

Before / After

yvo-niedrich commented 7 years ago

The longer load times were to be expected, since we have to call SonarQube now from the client.

To mitigate the load times for the user, maybe we can start to load the tree as soon as the application starts... This way some of the loading times are "hidden" behind the CityBuilder.

stefanrinderle commented 7 years ago

First pull request was merged - yeah! Re-opened the issue because there are still some TODOs:

stefanrinderle commented 7 years ago

Both done. Pull request 116 closes this issue.