stefanrueger / urboot

Small AVR bootloader using urprotocol
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Better documentation of bootloader firmware building process #8

Closed mcuee closed 1 year ago

mcuee commented 1 year ago

It is good to have some documentation for the users to build their own firmware.

The comments here are a good start.

  1. Using Make and urboot-gcc
    make MCU=atmega328p F_CPU=16000000L WDTO=1S AUTOBAUD=1 LED=AtmelPB5 DUAL=0 EEPROM=1 URPROTOCOL=1 FRILLS=7 MOVETO=atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl

2. Using avr-gcc directly

./avr-toolchain/5.4.0/bin/avr-gcc -DSTART=0x7e80UL -DRJMPWP=0xcfd6 -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x7e80 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7ffa -D_urboot_AVAILABLE=22 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DAUTOBAUD=1 -DLED=AtmelPB5 -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=1 -DURPROTOCOL=1 -DFRILLS=7 -DVBL=1 -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto1s_ur.elf urboot.c

./avr-toolchain/5.4.0/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto1s_ur.elf atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto1s_ur.hex

./avr-toolchain/5.4.0/bin/avr-objdump -h -S atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto1s_ur.elf > atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto1s_ur.lst

mv atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto1s_ur.hex atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex
mcuee commented 1 year ago

A few things are nice to have as well.

1) Better documentation of urboot-gcc and hexls. For example, how to use different toolchaine with urboot-gcc, say using another installation of avr-gcc.

2) It is also good to document how to make urboot-gcc and hexls working by mentioning the perl module used.

3) How to modify the Makefile to use another gcc toolchain (still using urboot-gcc wrapper)?

4) How to modify Makefile for users who can not use urboot-gcc for some reason, just plain avr-gcc.

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago
  1. It is also good to document how to make urboot-gcc and hexls working by mentioning the perl module used.

Can you help? Being a seasoned perl programmer, I do not know what hurdles there are for someone without perl experience or a perl installation. You managed. What did you have to do? @mcuee

  1. How to modify Makefile for users who can not use urboot-gcc for some reason, just plain avr-gcc.

Absolutely not recommended. I only mentioned to you as a highly competent engineer and only for a quick fix to get you to compile one particular bootloader. In reality there are so many pitfalls when using this route, eg, how to compute START and JMPWP, both of which urboot-gcc does.

mcuee commented 1 year ago

I see. So the recommendation is to use urboot-gcc to work. I think I can help to mention the perl module which needs to be installed, even though I do not much about perl itself.

Windows is probably the more challenging part if I want to use MSYS2 as it lacks the necessary FILE::HomeDirmodule. I do not have issues with Linux and macOS.

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago


Only useful if there is the avr-gcc toolchain. urboot.c only compiles with that specific compiler. Best experience is with 4.8.1 and 5.4.0,

mcuee commented 1 year ago


Only useful if there is the avr-gcc toolchain. urboot.c only compiles with that specific compiler. Best experience is with 4.8.1 and 5.4.0,

Yes MSYS2 has avr-gcc toolchain.

I can also try out Atmel provided avr-gcc toolchain with standalone perl installation without MSYS2 (but I tend to use MSYS2 a lot under Windows).

mcuee commented 1 year ago

Here is an example of using avr-gcc from MSYS2.

MINGW64 /c/work/avr/urboot/src
$ avr-gcc -DSTART=0x7e80UL -DRJMPWP=0xcfd6 -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x7e80 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7ffa -D_urboot_AVAILABLE=22 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=atmega328p -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=8S -DAUTOBAUD=1 -DLED=AtmelPB5 -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=1 -DURPROTOCOL=1 -DFRILLS=7
-DVBL=1 -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto8s_ur.elf urboot.c
urboot.c:1327:19: warning: call-clobbered register used for global register variable
 register uint16_t zaddress asm("r30");
urboot.c:1327:19: warning: call-clobbered register used for global register variable

$ avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto8s_ur.elf atmega328

$ avr-objdump -h -S atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto8s_ur.elf > atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto8s_ur.lst

$ mv atmega328p_16mhz_auto_115200bps_ev1f7_ledPB5_wdto8s_ur.hex atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto8s.hex

PS C:\work\avr\avrdude_test\avrdude_bin> .\avrdude -c usbasp -p m328p -qq -U .\atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto8s.hex && echo OK
PS C:\work\avr\avrdude_test\avrdude_bin> .\avrdude_pr1171v8 -C .\avrdude_pr1171v8.conf -c urclock
 -P COM10 -b 2500000 -p m328p -U .\hex\Blink.ino.standard.hex

avrdude_pr1171v8: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
avrdude_pr1171v8: device signature = 0x1e950f (probably m328p)
avrdude_pr1171v8: Note: flash memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed.
                  To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude_pr1171v8: erasing chip
avrdude_pr1171v8: reading input file .\hex\Blink.ino.standard.hex for flash
                  with 924 bytes in 1 section within [0, 0x39b]
                  using 8 pages and 100 pad bytes
avrdude_pr1171v8: preparing flash input for device bootloader
avrdude_pr1171v8: writing 924 bytes flash ...

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 1.08 s

avrdude_pr1171v8: 924 bytes of flash written
avrdude_pr1171v8: verifying flash memory against .\hex\Blink.ino.standard.hex

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 1.02 s

avrdude_pr1171v8: 924 bytes of flash verified

avrdude_pr1171v8 done.  Thank you.

PS C:\work\avr\avrdude_test\avrdude_bin> .\avrdude_pr1171v8 -C .\avrdude_pr1171v8.conf
 -c urclock -P COM10 -b 2500000 -p m328p -xshowall

avrdude_pr1171v8: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
0000ffffffff 2022-06-10 21.21 Blink.ino.standard.hex 924 store 31426 meta 34 boot 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac vector 25 (SPM_Ready) ATmega328P
mcuee commented 1 year ago

For hexls, Strawberry Perl works out of the box.

c:\work\avr\urboot\src>perl hexls
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex (from urboot)
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto1s.hex (build by me)
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto8s.hex (build by me)

So it seems to me the newer toolchain is pretty much the same in terms of code generration (code size).

$ cat atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto1s.hex

$ diff -u atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto1s.hex
--- atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl.hex      2022-11-21 22:59:39.292462900 +0800
+++ atmega328p_autobaud_ee_led+b5_fr_ce_ur_vbl_wdto1s.hex       2022-11-21 22:37:12.937277200 +0800
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@

$ avr-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Reading specs from c:/msys64/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/8.5.0/device-specs/specs-avr2
Target: avr
Configured with: ../gcc-8.5.0/configure --build=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --prefix=/mingw64 --target=avr --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls --disable-libssp --disable-shared --disable-threads --disable-libgomp --disable-libada --with-dwarf2 --enable-mingw-wildcard
Thread model: single
gcc version 8.5.0 (GCC)
stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

So it seems to me the newer toolchain is pretty much the same in terms of code generration (code size).

One file is not enough to judge. Try

(make clean; make all) >& /dev/null
hexls *.hex >/tmp/a
(make clean; make all TOOLVER=8.5.0) >& /dev/null
hexls *.hex | diff /tmp/a -
make clean >& /dev/null
rm /tmp/a

This shows you where the two toolchains differ in generated code size

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

I can help to mention the perl module which needs to be installed

Please do

mcuee commented 1 year ago

So it seems to me the newer toolchain is pretty much the same in terms of code generration (code size).

One file is not enough to judge. Try

(make clean; make all) >& /dev/null
hexls *.hex >/tmp/a
(make clean; make all TOOLVER=8.5.0) >& /dev/null
hexls *.hex | diff /tmp/a -
make clean >& /dev/null
rm /tmp/a

This shows you where the two toolchains differ in generated code size

I need to use the following command to use Atmel avr-gcc toolchain in the Path.

(make clean; make all TOOLVER=system) >& /dev/null

Here is the comparison with Atmel provided Linux toolchain, gcc 7.3 version.

mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/avr/urboot/src$ ./hexls *.hex | diff /tmp/a -
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex
< 504 512 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex
> 522 768 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex
< 634 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex
> 660 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex
< 468 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex
> 484 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
< 436 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex
< 244 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex
> 460 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex
> 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex
< 434 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex
< 244 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex
> 458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex
> 254 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex
< 224 224 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex
< 256 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny84_min.hex
< 256 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny85_min.hex
> 230 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex
> 270 320 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny84_min.hex
> 270 320 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny85_min.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex
< 442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex
> 458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex
< 464 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex
> 480 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex
< 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex
> 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex

mcuee@UbuntuSwift3:~/build/avr/urboot/src$ avr-gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Reading specs from /home/mcuee/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/7.3.0/device-specs/specs-avr2
Target: avr
Configured with: /home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/src/gcc/configure LDFLAGS=-L/home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64-hostlibs/lib CPPFLAGS= --target=avr --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64 --libdir=/home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64/lib --enable-languages=c,c++ --with-dwarf2 --enable-doc --disable-shared --disable-libada --disable-libssp --disable-nls --with-avrlibc=yes --with-mpfr=/home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64-hostlibs --with-gmp=/home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64-hostlibs --with-mpc=/home/toolsbuild/workspace/avr8-gnu-toolchain/avr8-gnu-toolchain-linux_x86_64-hostlibs --with-pkgversion=AVR_8_bit_GNU_Toolchain_3.7.0_1796 --with-bugurl=
Thread model: single
gcc version 7.3.0 (AVR_8_bit_GNU_Toolchain_3.7.0_1796) 
mcuee commented 1 year ago

Easier to read version. So yes I agree that the old version creates same or smaller codes in general.

urboot old avr-gcc Atmel avr-gcc 7.3.0
494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin/anarduino_cs5_dur.hex 494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/anarduino_cs5_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/anarduino.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/anarduino.hex
496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega1280_dur.hex 496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega1280_dur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega1280_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega1280_min.hex
368 512 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega1280_ur.hex 368 512 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega1280_ur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega1284p_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega1284p_min.hex
504 512 u7.7 wes-vpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega1284p_v2.hex 522 768 u7.7 wes-vpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega1284p_v2.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega168_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega168_min.hex
496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega2560_dur.hex 496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega2560_dur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega2560_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega2560_min.hex
368 512 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega2560_ur.hex 368 512 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega2560_ur.hex
634 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega2560_v3.hex 660 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega2560_v3.hex
366 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex 366 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex
364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex
362 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex 362 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex
364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex
510 512 u7.7 weudhprac ./urbootbin/atmega328p_adur.hex 510 512 u7.7 weudhprac ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_adur.hex
254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- ./urbootbin/atmega328p_amin.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_amin.hex
362 384 u7.7 weu-jprac ./urbootbin/atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex 362 384 u7.7 weu-jprac ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex
494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_dur.hex 494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p.hex
468 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex 484 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega328p_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_min.hex
346 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_ur.hex 346 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_ur.hex
362 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega328p_ur_testing.hex 362 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega328p_ur_testing.hex
436 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega32.hex 460 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega32.hex
244 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega32_min.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega32_min.hex
342 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega32_ur.hex 342 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega32_ur.hex
250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega644p_min.hex 250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega644p_min.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega88.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega88.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega88_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega88_min.hex
310 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega88_ur.hex 310 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega88_ur.hex
434 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/atmega8.hex 458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega8.hex
244 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega8_min.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega8_min.hex
314 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- ./urbootbin/atmega8_ur.hex 314 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/atmega8_ur.hex
502 512 u7.7 weudjpr-c ./urbootbin/attiny167_dur.hex 502 512 u7.7 weudjpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny167_dur.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/attiny167_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny167_min.hex
360 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/attiny167_ur.hex 360 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny167_ur.hex
224 224 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/attiny2313_min.hex 230 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny2313_min.hex
256 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/attiny84_min.hex 270 320 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny84_min.hex
256 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin/attiny85_min.hex 270 320 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny85_min.hex
364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/attiny85_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/attiny85_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/diecimila.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/diecimila.hex
364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/digispark.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/digispark.hex
360 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/digisparkpro.hex 360 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/digisparkpro.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/jeenode.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/jeenode.hex
364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/lilypad_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/lilypad_ur.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/luminet_baud9600_ur.hex 374 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/luminet_baud9600_ur.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin/moteino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/moteino_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/moteino.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/moteino.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/pro_16mhz.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/pro_16mhz.hex
346 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/pro_16mhz_ur.hex 346 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/pro_16mhz_ur.hex
442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/pro_20mhz.hex 458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/pro_20mhz.hex
342 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/pro_20mhz_ur.hex 342 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/pro_20mhz_ur.hex
464 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/pro_8mhz.hex 480 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/pro_8mhz.hex
364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin/pro_8mhz_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/pro_8mhz_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/promini_led13.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/promini_led13.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/promini_led9.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/promini_led9.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin/timeduino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/timeduino_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/timeduino.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/timeduino.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin/urclock_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/urclock_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin/urclock.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./urbootbin_gcc730/urclock.hex

mcuee commented 1 year ago

I can help to mention the perl module which needs to be installed

Please do

The following perl modules are required by hexls and urboot-gcc.


Ubuntu 20.04 (tested to be good) -- hexls and urboot-gcc work out of the box as perl and necessary perl-modules have been installed. I do not see File::HomeDir listed but it still works.

macOS (to test) : install File::HomeDir using sudo if you are using system provided perl. It should also work if you use other perl version.

Windows (to test): install Strawberry Perl and you are all set. You can also use other Perl installations.

I will carry out test under macOS and Windows later.

mcuee commented 1 year ago

BTW, I am not able to get File::HomeDir installed under MSYS2.

$ ./hexls
Can't locate File/ in @INC (you may need to install the File::HomeDir module) (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl) at ./hexls line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./hexls line 16.

$ cpan install File::HomeDir
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging
Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz'
Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz'
  Database was generated on Tue, 22 Nov 2022 04:53:55 GMT
  New version (v2.34) available.
  [Currently running version is v2.27]
  You might want to try
    install CPAN
    reload cpan
  to both upgrade and run the new version without leaving
  the current session.

Fetching with LWP:
Reading '/c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/sources/modules/'
Writing /c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/Metadata
Running install for module 'File::HomeDir'
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/sources/authors/id/R/RE/REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz ok
'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state
Configuring R/RE/REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz with Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite File::Which 0.05 not found.
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for File::HomeDir
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
  /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site -- OK
Running make for R/RE/REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
----     REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz    ----
    File::Which [requires]
Running install for module 'File::Which'
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/sources/authors/id/P/PL/PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz ok
Configuring P/PL/PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz with Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for File::Which
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
  /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site -- OK
Running make for P/PL/PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz
cp lib/File/ blib/lib/File/
Manifying 1 pod document
  /usr/bin/make -- OK
The current configuration of allow_installing_outdated_dists is 'ask/no', but for this option we would need 'CPAN::DistnameInfo' installed. Please install 'CPAN::DistnameInfo' as soon as possible. As long as we are not equipped with 'CPAN::DistnameInfo' this option does not take effect
Running make test for PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz
  Has already been unwrapped into directory /c/Users/xfchen/.cpan/build/File-HomeDir-1.006-0
  Has already been prepared
Running make for R/RE/REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz
Warning: Prerequisite 'File::Which => 0.05' for 'REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz' failed when processing 'PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz' with 'make_test => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited.
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/Darwin/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/Darwin/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/Darwin/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/Darwin/
cp lib/File/ blib/lib/File/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
cp lib/File/HomeDir/ blib/lib/File/HomeDir/
Manifying 10 pod documents
  /usr/bin/make -- OK
The current configuration of allow_installing_outdated_dists is 'ask/no', but for this option we would need 'CPAN::DistnameInfo' installed. Please install 'CPAN::DistnameInfo' as soon as possible. As long as we are not equipped with 'CPAN::DistnameInfo' this option does not take effect
Running make test for REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz
one dependency not OK (File::Which); additionally test harness failed
  /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports REHSACK/File-HomeDir-1.006.tar.gz
mcuee commented 1 year ago

Hack to get things working under Windows with Strawberry Perl and Atmel 7.3.0 toolchain.

C:\work\avr\urboot [main ≡ +63 ~2 -0 !]> git diff
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 1a30321dc2..90cb91403e 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ endif
 # UPROTOCOL with EEPROM compiles much neater with 5.4.0
 ifeq (1, $(EEPROM))
-override TOOLVER := 5.4.0
+override TOOLVER := 7.3.0
 override GCCROOT = ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ endif
 # Toolchain 4.8.1 does not know some MCUs, bump to 5.4.0
 ifdef MCU
 ifeq (/$(MCU)/, $(findstring /$(MCU)/, /ata5702m322/ata5782/ata5791/ata5831/ata8210/ata8510/atmega168pb/atmega328pb/atmega48pb/atmega88pb/))
-override TOOLVER := 5.4.0
+override TOOLVER := 7.3.0
 override GCCROOT = ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/
@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ WHAT := $(WHAT)_v$(VERSION)

 # Older avr-gcc versions such as 4.8.1 or 5.4.0 produce tighter code
-TOOLVER ?= 4.8.1
+TOOLVER ?= 7.3.0
 GCCROOT ?= ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/

-URBOOTGCC= ./urboot-gcc -toolchain=$(TOOLVER)
+URBOOTGCC= perl ./urboot-gcc -toolchain=$(TOOLVER)
 OBJCOPY        = $(GCCROOT)avr-objcopy
 OBJDUMP        = $(GCCROOT)avr-objdump
 SIZE           = $(GCCROOT)avr-size
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ bootloader: $(WHAT).hex

 min: attiny2313_min atmega1280_min atmega1284p_min atmega168_min atmega2560_min atmega32_min atmega328p_min \
   atmega644p_min atmega8_min atmega88_min attiny167_min attiny84_min attiny85_min
-       ./hexls -sort
+       perl hexls -sort

 all: attiny2313_min atmega168_min atmega2560_min atmega32_min \
   atmega644p_min atmega8_min atmega88_min attiny84_min \
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ all: attiny2313_min atmega168_min atmega2560_min atmega32_min \
   attiny167_min attiny167_ur attiny167_dur digisparkpro \
   attiny85_min attiny85_ur digispark \
   lilypad_ur luminet_baud9600_ur
-       ./hexls -sort *.hex
+       perl hexls -sort *.hex

 # Examples
 #   make MCU=atmega32 F_CPU=11059200L
@@ -729,9 +729,9 @@ ifdef MOVETO
        mv $@ $(MOVETO).hex
        @mv $*.elf $(MOVETO).elf
        @mv $*.lst $(MOVETO).lst
-       @echo -- `./hexls $(MOVETO).hex`
+       @echo -- `perl hexls $(MOVETO).hex`
-       @echo -- `./hexls $@`
+       @echo -- `perl hexls $@`

diff --git a/src/urboot-gcc b/src/urboot-gcc
index f25af48544..5e221c2057 100755
--- a/src/urboot-gcc
+++ b/src/urboot-gcc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -CS

 # urboot-gcc


$ PATH=/c/Strawberry/perl/bin:$PATH

$ which perl

$ make clean
rm -rf *.o *.elf *.lst *.map *.sym *.lss *.eep *.srec *.bin *.hex * *.out

$ make all TOOLVER=7.3.0 -i
make TOOLVER=7.3.0 GCCROOT=./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/ MCU=attiny2313 URPROTOCOL=1 EEPROM=0 VBL=1 FRILLS=2 VBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num MOVETO=attiny2313_min
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/work/avr/urboot/src'
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-gcc -DSTART=0x700UL -DRJMPWP=0xcfd8 -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x700 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7fa -D_urboot_AVAILABLE=26 -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=attiny2313 -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=0 -DURPROTOCOL=1 -DFRILLS=2 -DVBL=1 -DVBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf urboot.c
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex
./avr-toolchain/7.3.0/bin/avr-objdump -h -S attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf > attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.lst
mv attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex attiny2313_min.hex
-- 244 256 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny2313_min.hex
perl hexls -sort *.hex
244 256 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny2313_min.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex
250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex
254 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex
254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex
254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex
284 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny84_min.hex
284 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny85_min.hex
316 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex
344 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-- atmega8_ur.hex
362 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex
366 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex
366 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex
372 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex
372 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex
380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex
380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex
380 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c attiny85_ur.hex
380 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c digispark.hex
382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex
382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex
382 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex
384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex
384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex
384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex
384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex
404 448 u7.7 weu-jPr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex
392 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex
392 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex
458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex
458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex
460 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex
462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex
480 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex
484 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
500 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex
500 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex
500 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex
508 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex
508 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex
510 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex
510 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex
534 640 u7.7 weudjPr-c attiny167_dur.hex
522 768 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex
668 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex
524 1024 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex
mcuee commented 1 year ago

I managed to find a few Atmel toolchain for Windows. Here is the comparison. I need to process the data better in a better format.

urboot Atmel 7.3.0 Atmel 5.4.0 Atmel 4.6.2 with exceptions on 5.4.0
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex
494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex 508 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex 494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex 494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex
496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex 510 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex 496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex 500 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex
386 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex 392 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex 386 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex 390 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex
504 512 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex 522 768 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex 504 512 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex 506 512 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex
496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex 510 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex 496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex 500 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex 248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex
386 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex 392 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex 386 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex 390 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex
642 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex 668 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex 654 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex 642 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex
436 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex 460 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex 442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex 438 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex
244 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex 246 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex 256 256 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- atmega32_min.hex
356 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex 372 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex 356 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex 354 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex
380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex 372 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex 384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex 384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex 376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex 384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex
510 512 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex 524 1024 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex 510 512 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex 510 512 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex
254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex 376 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex
494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex 508 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex 494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex 494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex
468 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex 484 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex 468 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex 468 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex
360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex 366 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex 360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex 376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex
250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex 250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex 250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex 250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex
434 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex 458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex 440 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex 436 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex
244 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex 246 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex 242 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex
314 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega8_ur.hex 344 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-- atmega8_ur.hex 314 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega8_ur.hex 312 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega8_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex
310 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex 316 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex 310 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex 314 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex
502 512 u7.7 weudjpr-c attiny167_dur.hex 534 640 u7.7 weudjPr-c attiny167_dur.hex 502 512 u7.7 weudjpr-c attiny167_dur.hex 502 512 u7.7 weudjpr-c attiny167_dur.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex 252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex 374 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex
224 224 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex 244 256 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny2313_min.hex 222 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex 222 224 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex
256 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny84_min.hex 284 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny84_min.hex 276 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny84_min.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny84_min.hex
256 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny85_min.hex 284 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny85_min.hex 276 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny85_min.hex 254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny85_min.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny85_ur.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c attiny85_ur.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny85_ur.hex 376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny85_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digispark.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c digispark.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digispark.hex 376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digispark.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex 380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex 374 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex 384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex 404 448 u7.7 weu-jPr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex 374 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex 372 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex 500 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex
360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex 366 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex 360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex 364 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex
442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex 458 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex 442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex 442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex
356 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex 362 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex 356 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex 360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex
464 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex 480 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex 464 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex 464 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex 384 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex 378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex 382 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex 500 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex 462 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex 446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex 500 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex

mcuee commented 1 year ago

Maybe the other MSYS2 installation needs some updates. I tried another Windows machine and it works fine to install File::HomeDir. But then it does not work. Therefore I think I will have to rely on Strawberry Perl together with MSYS2 for now.

$ make all TOOLVER=5.4.0_win32
make TOOLVER=5.4.0_win32 GCCROOT=./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_win32/bin/ MCU=attiny2313 URPROTOCOL=1 EEPROM=0 VBL=1 FRILLS=2 VBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num MOVETO=attiny2313_min
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/work/avr/urboot/src'
Can't locate File/ in @INC (you may need to install the File::HomeDir module) (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl) at ./urboot-gcc line 18.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./urboot-gcc line 18.
make[1]: *** [Makefile:724: attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/c/work/avr/urboot/src'
make: *** [Makefile:345: attiny2313_min] Error 2

$ cpan install File::HomeDir
Loading internal logger. Log::Log4perl recommended for better logging
Reading 'C:\msys64\home\xiaof\.cpan-w64\Metadata'
  Database was generated on Tue, 22 Nov 2022 09:41:01 GMT
CPAN: Module::CoreList loaded ok (v5.20210123)
File::HomeDir is up to date (1.006).

$ ls -la /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl/File/
total 52
drwxr-xr-x 1 xiaof xiaof     0 Jan 22  2022 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 xiaof xiaof     0 Jan 22  2022 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xiaof xiaof  7993 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof 12712 Jan  1  2022
drwxr-xr-x 1 xiaof xiaof     0 Jan 22  2022 Spec
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof 10593 Jan  1  2022

$ ls -la /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl/File/Spec
total 96
drwxr-xr-x 1 xiaof xiaof     0 Jan 22  2022 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 xiaof xiaof     0 Jan 22  2022 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof   982 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof  3627 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof  1571 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof  2348 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof 22273 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof  6753 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof 15885 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof 16305 Jan  1  2022
-rw-r--r-- 1 xiaof xiaof 10754 Jan  1  2022
mcuee commented 1 year ago

Under macOS, other than installing File::HomeDir, the other thing is that you need to assemble the working avr-gcc directory. For example, I have to merge avr-gcc and avr-binuntils to have a working 9.4.0 toolchain. Unfortunately Atmel provided avr-gcc macOS x96_64 toolchains (7.3.0 and 5.4.0) do not work because of the developer signature warnings which I am not able to fix. The other working toolchain is from Arduino.

Since I have only the 9.4.0 toolchain, minor change to the Makefile is required. Similar modification can be done for Arduino toolchain 7.3.0.

mcuee@mcuees-Mac-mini urboot % ls -la src/avr-toolchain/7.3.0 
lrwxr-xr-x  1 mcuee  staff  58 Nov 22 21:28 src/avr-toolchain/7.3.0 -> /Applications/

mcuee@mcuees-Mac-mini urboot % git diff
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 1a30321dc2..d5542cb697 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ endif
 # UPROTOCOL with EEPROM compiles much neater with 5.4.0
 ifeq (1, $(EEPROM))
-override TOOLVER := 5.4.0
+override TOOLVER := 9.4.0
 override GCCROOT = ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ endif
 # Toolchain 4.8.1 does not know some MCUs, bump to 5.4.0
 ifdef MCU
 ifeq (/$(MCU)/, $(findstring /$(MCU)/, /ata5702m322/ata5782/ata5791/ata5831/ata8210/ata8510/atmega168pb/atmega328pb/atmega48pb/atmega88pb/))
-override TOOLVER := 5.4.0
+override TOOLVER := 9.4.0
 override GCCROOT = ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ WHAT := $(WHAT)_v$(VERSION)

 # Older avr-gcc versions such as 4.8.1 or 5.4.0 produce tighter code
-TOOLVER ?= 4.8.1
+TOOLVER ?= 9.4.0
 GCCROOT ?= ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/

9.4.0 will be worse than stock urboot (4.8.1 or 5.4.0) but it is actually better than Arduino 7.3.0 version.

Size (9.4.0 Space (9.4.0) Attribute Name Size (urboot) Space (urboot) Size (7.3.0) Space (7.3.0)
454 512 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex 446 512 462 512
496 512 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex 494 512 508 512
502 512 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex 496 512 510 512
248 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex 248 256 248 256
386 512 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex 386 512 392 512
248 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex 248 256 248 256
514 768 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex 504 512 522 768
252 256 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex 252 256 252 256
502 512 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex 496 512 510 512
248 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex 248 256 248 256
386 512 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex 386 512 392 512
660 768 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex 642 768 668 768
444 512 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex 436 512 460 512
454 512 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex 446 512 462 512
380 384 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex 380 384 372 384
378 384 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex 378 384 384 384
376 384 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex 376 384 382 384
378 384 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex 378 384 384 384
514 1024 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex 510 512 524 1024
254 256 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex 254 256 254 256
376 384 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex 376 384 382 384
498 512 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex 494 512 508 512
476 512 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex 468 512 484 512
252 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex 252 256 252 256
360 384 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex 360 384 366 384
376 384 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex 376 384 382 384
250 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex 244 256 254 256
358 384 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex 356 384 372 384
250 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex 250 256 250 256
442 512 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex 434 512 458 512
454 512 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex 446 512 462 512
252 256 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex 252 256 252 256
310 320 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex 310 320 316 320
250 256 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex 244 256 254 256
316 320 weu-jpr-- atmega8_ur.hex 314 320 344 384
506 512 weudjpr-c attiny167_dur.hex 502 512 534 640
252 256 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex 252 256 252 256
374 384 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex 374 384 380 384
240 256 w-u-jPr-- attiny2313_min.hex 224 224 244 256
280 320 w-u-jPr-- attiny84_min.hex 256 256 284 320
280 320 w-u-jPr-- attiny85_min.hex 256 256 284 320
380 384 weu-jPr-c attiny85_ur.hex 378 384 380 384
454 512 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex 446 512 462 512
380 384 weu-jPr-c digispark.hex 378 384 380 384
374 384 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex 374 384 380 384
454 512 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex 446 512 462 512
378 384 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex 378 384 384 384
376 384 weu-jpr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex 374 384 404 448
454 512 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex 446 512 462 512
488 512 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 500 512
454 512 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex 446 512 462 512
360 384 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex 360 384 366 384
450 512 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex 442 512 458 512
356 384 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex 356 384 362 384
472 512 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex 464 512 480 512
378 384 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex 378 384 384 384
454 512 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex 446 512 462 512
454 512 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex 446 512 462 512
454 512 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex 446 512 462 512
488 512 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 500 512
454 512 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex 446 512 462 512
488 512 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 500 512

mcuee commented 1 year ago


It seems to me there is nothing much to improve on the build process under Linux as it is working out of the box. As for macOS. You just need to document that perl modules File::HomeDir is required. You may also want to mention that Makefile may be necessary to change the toolchain version.

Better documentation of urboot-gcc and hexls will still be good.

For Windows, unfortunately MSYS2 perl packaging is not good. We can forget about Windows support for a while. Windows users can refer to this post to build if they really want to do that (using Strawberry Perl and then modify the few files accordingly).

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

@mcuee Many thanks for exploring how to use the project under Windows and MacOS, and for sharing tips for better documentation! Well appreciated.

I have updated urboot-gcc and hexls so they no longer require File::Homedir. Great tip.

The comparison table stock urboot/9.4.0/7.3.0 is great! I suspect you mixed the columns for urboot and 9.4.0, though? I believe the stock urboot decision is always the best choice, not?

Note that the urboot project does not recommend to compile with other avr-toolchains than 4.8.1 or 5.4.0. Generally, the code has lots of assembler bits in there that rely on the compiler API for creating code. It is a bad idea to use newer compilers, as they may well change that API! So, if this projects is ported to Windows/MacOS, it would need the 4.8.1 and 5.4.0 toolchains there! This is one of the few situations where an old version is actually better.

mcuee commented 1 year ago


I have updated urboot-gcc and hexls so they no longer require File::Homedir. Great tip.

Great, now that hexls works out of the box under MSYS2 Windows. For urboot-gcc, it still complains that Capture/ is missing even after I installed it using cpan. Looks like MSYS2 cpan is broken.

MINGW64 /c/work/avr/urboot/src
$ ./hexls ./all/atmega328p.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c ./all/atmega328p.hex

$ ./urboot-gcc
Can't locate Capture/ in @INC (you may need to install the Capture::Tiny module) (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/share/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/core_perl /usr/share/perl5/core_perl) at ./urboot-gcc line 18.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./urboot-gcc line 18.

Edit: Copy the file Capture/ to /usr/share/perl5/site_perl fixed the issue.

I do not want to change the urboot Linux toolchain so I named the Windows 5.4.0 toolchain as version 5.4.0_win32. I need to use the following minor patch and then it works under Windows using MSYS2.

PS C:\work\avr\urboot> git diff
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 1a30321dc2..89e98e33d1 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ endif
 # UPROTOCOL with EEPROM compiles much neater with 5.4.0
 ifeq (1, $(EEPROM))
-override TOOLVER := 5.4.0
+override TOOLVER := 5.4.0_win32
 override GCCROOT = ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ endif
 # Toolchain 4.8.1 does not know some MCUs, bump to 5.4.0
 ifdef MCU
 ifeq (/$(MCU)/, $(findstring /$(MCU)/, /ata5702m322/ata5782/ata5791/ata5831/ata8210/ata8510/atmega168pb/atmega328pb/atmega48pb/atmega88pb/))
-override TOOLVER := 5.4.0
+override TOOLVER := 5.4.0_win32
 override GCCROOT = ./avr-toolchain/$(TOOLVER)/bin/

$ make all TOOLVER=5.4.0_win32
make TOOLVER=5.4.0_win32 GCCROOT=./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_win32/bin/ MCU=attiny2313 URPROTOCOL=1 EEPROM=0 VBL=1 FRILLS=2 VBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num MOVETO=attiny2313_min
make[1]: Entering directory '/c/work/avr/urboot/src'
./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_win32/bin/avr-gcc -DSTART=0x700UL -DRJMPWP=0xcfd4 -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x700 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7fa -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=attiny2313 -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=0 -DURPROTOCOL=1 -DFRILLS=2 -DVBL=1 -DVBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf urboot.c
./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_win32/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex
./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_win32/bin/avr-objdump -h -S attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf > attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.lst
mv attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex attiny2313_min.hex
-- 222 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex
510 512 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex
654 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex

$ ../src/hexls *.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex
494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex
496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex
386 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex
504 512 u7.7 wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex
496 512 u7.7 weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex
248 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex
386 512 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex
654 768 u7.7 wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex
442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex
246 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex
356 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex
380 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex
510 512 u7.7 weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex
254 256 u7.7 w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex
494 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex
468 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex
360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex
376 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex
250 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex
440 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex
246 256 u7.7 w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex
314 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega8_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex
310 320 u7.7 weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex
502 512 u7.7 weudjpr-c attiny167_dur.hex
252 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex
222 256 u7.7 w-u-jpr-- attiny2313_min.hex
276 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny84_min.hex
276 320 u7.7 w-u-jPr-- attiny85_min.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c attiny85_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digispark.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex
374 384 u7.7 weu-jpr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c moteino.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex
360 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex
442 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex
356 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex
464 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex
378 384 u7.7 weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex
446 512 u7.7 wes-hpr-c urclock.hex
486 512 u7.7 weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex

mcuee commented 1 year ago

The comparison table stock urboot/9.4.0/7.3.0 is great! I suspect you mixed the columns for urboot and 9.4.0, though? I believe the stock urboot decision is always the best choice, not?

Yes, you are right, urboot is always the best. Table updated

mcuee commented 1 year ago

Note that the urboot project does not recommend to compile with other avr-toolchains than 4.8.1 or 5.4.0. Generally, the code has lots of assembler bits in there that rely on the compiler API for creating code. It is a bad idea to use newer compilers, as they may well change that API! So, if this projects is ported to Windows/MacOS, it would need the 4.8.1 and 5.4.0 toolchains there! This is one of the few situations where an old version is actually better.

I can not find version 4.8.1 but Atmel provided 7.3.0 and 5.4.0 for Linux, Windows and macOS. Now I need to figure out how to get Atmel avr-gcc compiler to work under macOS (due to all the developer signing issues). Atmel version 3.7.0 --> avr-gcc 7.3.0 Atmel version 3.6.2 --> avr-gcc 5.4.0

mcuee commented 1 year ago

I think this issue can be closed.

I will report the macOS 5.4.0 situation later.

mcuee commented 1 year ago

I will report the macOS 5.4.0 situation later.

This is the current problem with the Atmel toolchain avr-gcc 5.4.0. I will see how to fix it.

mcuee@mcuees-Mac-mini src % make all TOOLVER=5.4.0_atmel
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make TOOLVER=5.4.0_atmel GCCROOT=./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/ MCU=attiny2313 URPROTOCOL=1 EEPROM=0 VBL=1 FRILLS=2 VBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num MOVETO=attiny2313_min
./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/avr-gcc -DSTART=0x400UL -DRJMPWP=0xcfff -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x400 -Wl,--section-start=.version=0x7fa -g -Wundef -Wall -Os -fno-split-wide-types -mrelax -mmcu=attiny2313 -DF_CPU=16000000L -Wno-clobbered -DWDTO=1S -DDUAL=0 -DEEPROM=0 -DURPROTOCOL=1 -DFRILLS=2 -DVBL=1 -DVBL_VECT_NUM=EEPROM_READY_vect_num -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles -nostdlib -o attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf urboot.c
/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/5.4.0/../../../../avr/bin/ld: /Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/../libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/ error loading plugin: dlopen(/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/../libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/, 0x0002): tried: '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/../libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' (code signature in <66B005B7-D146-3181-8520-2C46E5E47AD6> '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/../libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' (no such file), '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/../libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' (code signature in <66B005B7-D146-3181-8520-2C46E5E47AD6> '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy), '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' (code signature in <66B005B7-D146-3181-8520-2C46E5E47AD6> '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' (no such file), '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' (code signature in <66B005B7-D146-3181-8520-2C46E5E47AD6> '/Users/mcuee/build/avr/urboot/src/avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/libexec/gcc/avr/5.4.0/' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy)
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -j .version --set-section-flags .version=alloc,load -O ihex attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex
./avr-toolchain/5.4.0_atmel/bin/avr-objcopy: 'attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.elf': No such file
make[1]: *** [attiny2313_16mhz_115200bps_v1f2_vnEEPROM_READY_vect_num_wdto1s_ur.hex] Error 1
make: *** [attiny2313_min] Error 2
mcuee commented 1 year ago

Work-around is to unlock the file.

mcuee commented 1 year ago

Results from Atmel 5.4.0 toolchain under macOS -- it may produce some bigger size urboot hex files but the space occupied is the same in the end. I also checked and the size produced by Atmel 5.4.0 toolchain under Windows produce the same binaries.

I also attached Atmel 7.3.0 build but I understand it is not supported.

Attribute Name Size (urboot) Space (urboot) Size (Atmel 5.4.0) Space (Atmel 5.4.0)
wes-hpr-c anarduino.hex 446 512 446 512
weudhpr-c anarduino_cs5_dur.hex 494 512 494 512
weudjpr-- atmega1280_dur.hex 496 512 496 512
w-u-jpr-- atmega1280_min.hex 248 256 248 256
weu-jPr-c atmega1280_ur.hex 386 512 386 512
w-u-jpr-- atmega1284p_min.hex 248 256 248 256
wes-vpr-- atmega1284p_v2.hex 504 512 504 512
w-u-hpr-- atmega168_min.hex 252 256 252 256
weudjpr-- atmega2560_dur.hex 496 512 496 512
w-u-jpr-- atmega2560_min.hex 248 256 248 256
weu-jPr-c atmega2560_ur.hex 386 512 386 512
wes-Vpr-c atmega2560_v3.hex 642 768 654 768
wes-hpr-c atmega32.hex 436 512 442 512
wes-hpr-c atmega328p.hex 446 512 446 512
weu-jPr-c atmega328p_7875khz_swio_ur.hex 380 384 380 384
weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8000khz_swio_ur.hex 378 384 378 384
weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8125khz_swio_ur.hex 376 384 376 384
weu-jPr-c atmega328p_8mhz_ur.hex 378 384 378 384
weudhprac atmega328p_adur.hex 510 512 510 512
w-u-jpra- atmega328p_amin.hex 254 256 254 256
weu-jPrac atmega328p_autobaud_ur.hex 376 384 376 384
weudhpr-c atmega328p_dur.hex 494 512 494 512
wes-hpr-c atmega328p_led9_50Hz_fp9.hex 468 512 468 512
w-u-jpr-- atmega328p_min.hex 252 256 252 256
weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur.hex 360 384 360 384
weu-jPr-c atmega328p_ur_testing.hex 376 384 376 384
w-u-jpr-- atmega32_min.hex 244 256 246 256
weu-jPr-c atmega32_ur.hex 356 384 356 384
w-u-jpr-- atmega644p_min.hex 250 256 250 256
wes-hpr-c atmega8.hex 434 512 440 512
wes-hpr-c atmega88.hex 446 512 446 512
w-u-jpr-- atmega88_min.hex 252 256 252 256
weu-jpr-- atmega88_ur.hex 310 320 310 320
w-u-hpr-- atmega8_min.hex 244 256 246 256
weu-jpr-- atmega8_ur.hex 314 320 314 320
weudjpr-c attiny167_dur.hex 502 512 502 512
w-u-jpr-- attiny167_min.hex 252 256 252 256
weu-jPr-c attiny167_ur.hex 374 384 374 384
w-u-jPr-- attiny2313_min.hex 224 224 222 256
w-u-jPr-- attiny84_min.hex 256 256 276 320
w-u-jPr-- attiny85_min.hex 256 256 276 320
weu-jPr-c attiny85_ur.hex 378 384 378 384
wes-hpr-c diecimila.hex 446 512 446 512
weu-jPr-c digispark.hex 378 384 378 384
weu-jPr-c digisparkpro.hex 374 384 374 384
wes-hpr-c jeenode.hex 446 512 446 512
weu-jPr-c lilypad_ur.hex 378 384 378 384
weu-jpr-c luminet_baud9600_ur.hex 374 384 374 384
wes-hpr-c moteino.hex 446 512 446 512
weudhpr-c moteino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 486 512
wes-hpr-c pro_16mhz.hex 446 512 446 512
weu-jPr-c pro_16mhz_ur.hex 360 384 360 384
wes-hpr-c pro_20mhz.hex 442 512 442 512
weu-jPr-c pro_20mhz_ur.hex 356 384 356 384
wes-hpr-c pro_8mhz.hex 464 512 464 512
weu-jPr-c pro_8mhz_ur.hex 378 384 378 384
wes-hpr-c promini_led13.hex 446 512 446 512
wes-hpr-c promini_led9.hex 446 512 446 512
wes-hpr-c timeduino.hex 446 512 446 512
weudhpr-c timeduino_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 486 512
wes-hpr-c urclock.hex 446 512 446 512
weudhpr-c urclock_cs8_dur.hex 486 512 486 512

mcuee commented 1 year ago


In summary, I think there is nothing to be changed on your side. In case users want to build under Windows or macOS, they can refer to my experiences here. I am happy to help as well if other users encountered problems under macOS or Windows.

stefanrueger commented 1 year ago

@mcuee Thank you for all your hard work exploring ways to improve the urboot building process. When I get a minute I will put the results of your exploration into a "how-to-build" page; your work will be used to good effect.