stefanstranger / psdscreleasepipeline

Design input on a PowerShell DSC Release Pipeline
Apache License 2.0
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Few bits #1

Open gaelcolas opened 7 years ago

gaelcolas commented 7 years ago

I do have a Blog post in the making about that, but probably won't be published before the new year. Few quick points:

Here you go for a late brain dump. You might want to look at for some tooling. I'm refreshing it slightly here and will try to submit a PR Next year.

Good luck and please share your journey :)

gaelcolas commented 7 years ago

Also, that would do a great whitepaper along with this one (which would need some love): DSC Pull Server. Have you checked @mgreenegit Demo_CI project

stefanstranger commented 7 years ago

Hi Gael,

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my 'journey' :-)

Let me reply to your points one by one.

And yes I checked @mgreenedit project. I also have internally contact with him about this topic :-)

Disclamer: I'm not a developer but trying to learn more :-) Some of the terminology used in the DevOps world is new to me.

gaelcolas commented 7 years ago

In Turn:

Do read Steve's post about being realistic with your expectations, feel free to browse my article here to get more info about how I use Test-Kitchen in my DSC pipeline (this is only the first part, there's more to come but I'm very busy until at least January).

Re- your disclaimer... This is beyond just Development. Dev is the new Ops anyway, we're applying Dev principle and practices to an indispensable Ops mindset. We're not replacing anything IMO, we're evolving...