stefansundin / rssbox

:newspaper: I consume the world via RSS feeds, and this is my attempt to keep it that way.
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Exclude photo from Twitter Videos #32

Closed Linkerss closed 6 months ago

Linkerss commented 4 years ago

Hey Stefan, I presume this might be Importer issue but is there any chance to exclude featured image from Twitter videos?

I can remove them with CSS but then in some cases when video is not fetched the image is missing due to CSS,

Thank you

stefansundin commented 4 years ago

Hi! Sorry for the late reply.

I think you can achieve what you are looking for by removing this piece of code in views/twitter_feed.erb:

But that will remove pictures that are not related to videos as well. So to fix that, you can change the section above to be:

  if t.has_key?("extended_entities")
    t["extended_entities"]["media"].each do |entity|
      if entity["video_info"]
        video = entity["video_info"]["variants"].sort do |a,b|
          if a["content_type"].start_with?("video/") && b["content_type"].start_with?("video/")
            b["bitrate"] - a["bitrate"]
            b["content_type"].start_with?("video/") <=> a["content_type"].start_with?("video/")
        if /\/\d+x\d+\// =~ video["url"]
          # there is dimension information in the URL (i.e. /ext_tw_video/)
          text += " #{video["url"]}"
          # no dimension information in the URL, so add some (i.e. /tweet_video/)
          text += " #{video["url"]}#w=#{entity["sizes"]["large"]["w"]}&h=#{entity["sizes"]["large"]["h"]}"
        text += " #{entity["media_url_https"]}"

I hope that works.

Linkerss commented 4 years ago

Hey Stefan, It's working perfectly.

I admire your work so much. I think you're an genius.

However I would like to know when you will add option for Instagram hashtags feature?

It's kind of urgent. The other Instagram bridges are crashing constantly and doesn't deliver feeds on time.

Thank you so much

stefansundin commented 4 years ago

Oh, sorry, I see that you filed a different issue about hashtags.

I am not planning on implementing that at this moment.. to do it yourself, you'd need to do something like the following in app.rb:

get %r{/twitter/search/(?<q>.+)} do |q|
  @q = "##{q}"
  response = Twitter.get("/search/tweets.json", query: {
    q: @q,
    count: 100,
  # return response.body
  @data = response.json
  erb :twitter_feed

But the JSON that this returns isn't compatible with the current view. So you can uncomment the line that says # return response.body to look at the data, then you have to update views/twitter_feed.erb to be able to output a nice feed from that data. You should probably copy that file to a new file, e.g. views/twitter_search_feed.erb.

Keep in mind that there is a lower rate limit for search API calls. Here is the full documentation from Twitter:

Good luck!

Linkerss commented 4 years ago

Are you talking about Twitter hashtags or Instagram hashtags?

I meant on Instagram hashtags :)

Thank you anyway,

Happy Holidays :)

stefansundin commented 4 years ago

Oh, oops.. yes, I missed "Instagram" :)

Instagram would be harder.. you'd need to find the correct GraphQL query that they use for it.. since the Instagram API is closed these days, it needs a lot more work and the resulting code is very fragile. They have broken it many times since I worked around it when they first closed the API.

Happy holidays!