stefansundin / rssbox

:newspaper: I consume the world via RSS feeds, and this is my attempt to keep it that way.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Upgrade Twitter API to v2 #70

Closed stefansundin closed 1 month ago

stefansundin commented 1 year ago

It is uncertain if API v1.1 will survive when the API becomes paid (see #66). I originally wasn't planning on doing any work but I figured I'll just prep this while I have the ability to test the API. Even though I'm not going to pay for access to the API, these changes should let other people do so if they really want to. No guarantees that this will work, or continue to work, though! Pay for the Twitter API at your own risk!

⚠️ Also, you probably want to very heavily tweak the cache settings. 10,000 requests is almost nothing. ⚠️