stefanvangastel / CakePHP-Cakedesktop

Download full CakePHP webapplication as Windows desktop application.
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Table users for model User was not found in datasource default. #6

Open saurabhvyas07 opened 7 years ago

saurabhvyas07 commented 7 years ago

Hello Sir, I have gone through your plugin and procedure and set up my Cakephp project with your instruction at the end of creating a desktop application I am facing an error with line

"Table users for model User was not found in datasource default."

Please help me out to complete my desktop application.

stefanvangastel commented 7 years ago

Are you using CakePHP 2.x or 3.x?

saurabhvyas07 commented 7 years ago

Sir, I am using 2.x. I am a cake php developer but, first time I am Using Cake php to desktop application conversation and facing the problem with database issues.

stefanvangastel commented 7 years ago

Don't seem to be able to reproduce: test

Can you give me some more information? Like database schema etc? There could be an issue converting MySQL db structure to SQLite db structure.

vrkothekar commented 7 years ago

Hi I am Vishal, Working with Saurabhvyas07. Yes, there is an issue with MYSQL DB to SQLite conversion. The file which is going to use for the database is without extension and empty. I found that file in WWW folder.

stefanvangastel commented 7 years ago

Are the webserver (Apache?) and application logging telling you anything?

vrkothekar commented 7 years ago

No, The logs files are with some number with N.

vrkothekar commented 7 years ago

But I converted MysqlDump file to SQLite db and place in www folder then it working.

saurabhvyas07 commented 7 years ago

we are facing problems in Converting mysql database in sqlite database

stefanvangastel commented 7 years ago

Oke, I currently don't really have much time to debug anything and havent worked with Cakedesktop for while so feel free to fork and mergerequest if you have any fixes.