stefanvranjes / Vigilante2Unity

A project aimed to bring Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense to the Unity Engine. Support this project by donating!
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Open rashidmoviestar opened 2 years ago

rashidmoviestar commented 2 years ago


  1. Whammy rebalancing:

    Whammy damage increases by 10% with each subsequent hit. When the player hits an enemy with a single weapon, it deals normal damage for that weapon (100% damage, or 1.0 in decimal). When the player performs a 1x Whammy, the second weapon's shot deals 110% of its normal damage, or 1.1. At 2x Whammy, the third shot will deal 120% of its normal damage (1.2). At 3x Whammy, the fourth shot will deal 130% damage (1.3) and so on and so forth. *Note: If you can, add a bonus (+3%) for every unique weapon in the weapon and combo in the whammy. This will reward players who use a lot of different techniques in a combo, over players that cycle between two weapons.

  2. Special weapon ammo count changes:

    Xanadu: 3 per crate, Maximum 3 at a time (when the special is fixed) Dusty: 3 per crate, Max 3 Dallas: 3 per crate, Max 3 Nina: 3 per crate, Max 3 Team FAST: 3 per crate, Max 3 Boogie: 3 per crate, Max 3 Padre: 3 per crate, Max 3 John Torque: 6 per crate, Max 6 Obake: 2 per crate, Max 2 Clyde: 2 per crate, Max 2 Chassey: 3 per crate, Max 3 (nerfed from 6 per crate) Convoy: 3 per crate, Max 3 (nerfed from 6 per crate) (when the special is fixed) Houston: 3 per crate, Max 3 (nerfed from 6 per crate) Bob. O: 3 per crate, Max 3 (nerfed from 6 per crate) Garbage man: 3 per crate, Max 3 (nerfed from 6 per crate) Chase: 1 per crate, Max 2 (unchanged) Sheila: 50 per crate, Max 99 (unchanged) Molo: 40 per crate, Max 99 (unchanged) Characters can pick up green crates even when fully stocked. Characters can restock special weapon ammo, but it will not exceed their maximum ammo limit. *Note: We balanced weapons by giving all weapons the same damage and then dividing that weapon by ammo count. I would then increase the damage 5%ish if the weapon has no range (testing required) 20%ish if the weapon is straight fire to compensate for the skill needed. Auto aim was neutral with no modifiers. I would also decrease the damage 15-20% if the weapon had long range and seeking.

  3. Fix Xanadu RV's Special Weapon (Use OG V8 Invasion as a reference);

  4. Fix Convoy's Special Weapon collision bug;

  5. Don't let vehicles pop wheelies when tapping the gas to accelerate and make the vehicles actually pick up speed when you tap the gas.

  6. Add the option for the player to detach Convoy's trailer at will during gameplay (bind it to L3 by default). The trailer will remain in the environment until destroyed;

  7. Make each weapon have its own cooldown, allowing the player to activate more than one combo at once;

  8. Remove the weapon despawn when the player picks up a new weapon while already having three. Make weapons and wrenches spawn more often. Add dynamic spawning for power-ups (ex.: If multiple players in a single match are at 50% health or lower, increase power-up spawn rates);

  9. Fix the peeling mechanic (brake + gas) so that it may benefit every vehicle by giving a short Afterburner combo speed boost (2 seconds);

  10. Backward peeling mechanic (brake + reverse buttons pressed simultaneously).

  11. The Cactus Patch combo should deploy its mines on its own after 1 second of being dropped, rather than waiting for a vehicle to approach first. It should also drop its mines in a circle/hexagon pattern. Make the player immune to their own deployed mines for 2 seconds;

  12. The Hovermine combo should cause a slowdown debuff on enemies for a set time upon contact (same debuff as the tire buster and normal mines). Also allow it to prioritize opponents with hoverpods, chase them faster than ground opponents, and disable hoverpods upon impact;

  13. Remove or reduce the huge radius from the Cactus Patch and Bearhug mine combos that destroy nearby mines when used;

  14. Vehicles should not sink in shallow water if they land too hard or or through any means that pushes them down. (ex. weapon combos)

  15. Your weapons should not collide with one another, only with enemy weapons;

  16. Revamp the autotargetting mechanic so that it always locks onto (and cycles between) targets that are closest to the center of the screen. Also add an option to disable autotargetting altogether (especially when the player switches weapons); *Note: This will be tricky as who is in the center will change a lot in a second, players will want some way to lock onto a specific player.

  17. Bring back OG V8 Cow Puncher and Turtle Turnover physics. Add a stun effect to the Turtle Turnover, disabling the D-pad pitch correction for the affected enemy for 2 seconds after it hits;

  18. Bring back totaling mechanics from OG V8 (totaled enemies fly upwards into the air then explode), and remove damage dealt from the explosion of totaled vehicles. Make items drop before the vehicle is flung away; *Note: This was removed because the upgrade drops flew out of the environment when the enemy exploded in air.

  19. Fix the Tire Buster combo bug from the NTSC version (hitting an enemy with multiple Tire Busters makes the debuff permanent), and fix the upward hitbox of the Tire Buster and Crater Maker combos;

  20. There should not be a limit to how many Bearhug mines can be activated at once per player. They should work as in OG V8 and DC 2nd offense;

  21. Fix Interceptor Missile pathfinding so that they do not hit the ground when firing at opponents behind the player;

  22. Mosquito machinegun should not be able to destroy weapon combos, only normal shots (including Buckshot, Swarm and Stampede);

  23. Wrenches fix vehicle visual damage.

  24. Radar leash revamp.

*Suggestion: Bearhugs are a pain in multiplayer, can using afterburners make players immune to the pull for .5 seconds when first launched so they can escape or pass through them with timing. Another option is to give the mag mine dome collision with weapons (from the inside), so players can fire at the dome, causing 50 damage and destroy the mine.


  1. Fix the collision mechanics so that vehicles can no longer phase through buildings or one another. Sometimes the mosquito machine gun goes through the target without harming them;

  2. Fix vehicles that flip upside down when driving at high speed on water, like Team FAST, Palomino XIII, Sheila, etc;

  3. Fix the trademark V8 physics. No more to infinity and beyond;

  4. Fix hover pods, skis and treads and hydrofloaters physics;

  5. Add visual indicators for when enemy players have shield and double damage powerups;

  6. Add a unique hit sound effect for when the player is being whammied;

  7. Add a death popup screen that lists who dealt the most damage and the killing blow to the player;

  8. Add a speedometer and weapon cooldown bar on the UI (for cheater detection and better visual feedback for players);

  9. Destroyed objects and buildings in levels should respawn if the match goes longer than 15 minutes as to refresh the scenario as well as item drops;

  10. Levels and destructibles should have a higher chance of spawning weapons that players do not currently have;

  11. Nerf the slowdown penalties from snow/mud/oil/rough terrain and make turning/braking more slippery. Make all wheel powerups a bit faster than normal wheels; *Note: This will make the attachments less valuable. I suppose you could remove the slowdown, but make turning and breaking slippery on these surface.

  12. Randomize the cranes in California, so that when a player falls into the water, their opponents will not be able to predict which crane will bring them back out;

Suggestion: Allow players on the same team to whammy off each others weapons. Suggestion: Allow environmental damage as neutral damage anyone can whammy off of.


  1. Remove LOD altogether so that players maybe able to see everything at the highest possible quality at all times at any distance, and thus be able to see what weapons other players have equipped from afar;

  2. Replace the three dots above the weapon display on the HUD with small icons of equipped weapons;

  3. Add an option to change the game's framerate and refresh rate (custom framerate cap and uncapped options). Implement support for high refresh rates (144hz, 165hz, 240hz, etc.);

  4. Add options to change graphic settings such a internal resolution, aspect ratio, draw distance, etc.;

  5. Add the soundtrack from all the ports of both games should be be included by default, as well as an option to switch them on the menu;

  6. Add an option to change analog force feedback turning the wheels (Maybe with a slider option or number input);

  7. Add an option to switch between PS1 and DC vehicle models at will;

  8. Add an option to switch between English & Japanese audio at will;

  9. Fix vehicle color customization (make tints look natural, fix contrast, add more coloring options, prevent color customization from altering the color of the headlights and rear lights).

  10. Add skidmarks when drifting.

  11. Add the ability to honk.

  12. Prototype OG V8 Camera sway as a toggleable option.

  13. Option to change weapon models to OG V8's and add a model for mosquito machine gun for every vehicle.

### BUGS:

  1. If Padre activates his special before drowning or interacting with any teleporting object (ex.: Winter Games' cable cars), it causes the game to act weird and even crash;

  2. If Convoy attempts to go into teleporting doorways of certain buildings while still carrying his trailer (ex.; the observation tower in Arizona and the lighthouse in California), the building in question will explode;

  3. Whoever's caught in the alligator traps will be stuck in them indefinitely due to the trap immediately respawning and falling on top of them when destroyed. Destroying all the trees in Louisiana Bayou and then destroying alligator traps that have captured an alligator causes them to spawn wrenches and special weapon crates indefinitely;

  4. Hooking someone with Houston's special and then using the camera orbit/dolly will immediately make the camera zoom out. There may be more camera bugs elsewhere;

  5. The player cannot move the camera while being carried by cranes in California or interacting with the big magnets in Pennsylvania. The camera should be movable at all times;

  6. Obake's special does not total vehicles;

  7. Using a special weapon with only 1 ammo left and then picking up a new special at the same time causes a rapid fire glitch to happen. This glitch can sometimes cause the game to crash depending on the special;

  8. Vehicles can peel out even when the engine is stalled; *Note: this was intended to get players out of a stall, worked better in OG V8.

  9. The vehicle's chassis can sometimes go through the floor and detach from the wheels, causing it the physics to slingshot the player into the air. This bug can sometimes send you out of bound and you can never go back to the arena;

  10. Some OG V8 levels in 2nd offense have audio bugs like Ghost Town or Valley farms;

  11. Using the hoverpods over water in OG v8 levels makes them behave as if you were driving with normal wheels. In Hoover Dam it’s impossible to use the hover pods to get the specials that are above the water in the channel along the middle of the stage;

  12. If you drive on reverse as Convoy and hit an object with the trailer, the trailer will immediately explode. This is dependent on the object but most of them work;

  13. The Crater Maker combo will sometimes deal massive damage to the player that launches it if it hits them from the edge of the hitbox. The damage is comparable to OG V8 Molo’s special;

  14. When being pushed back by an explosion or when you doing a reverse 180 while driving, sometimes the game will automatically activate the brakes and stop the player for a few moments;

  15. When playing with a digital gamepad (d-pad only), holding brake + down on the d-pad then wiggling between d-pad down, left and right will cause the vehicle to peel out extremely fast, sometimes even flipping some vehicles over (ex.: Convoy). This bug only happens with d-pad controllers without analog sticks;

  16. Some vehicles can drive over mines without being harmed (Non-Hotrod Convoy/Hotrod G.Man);

  17. Destroyed vehicle carcasses should not activate the Bearhug mine combo;

  18. Items discarded shouldn’t go out of bounds or onto unreachable areas on the level;

  19. Sinking into water while having the shield powerup will still deal damage to the player;

  20. Change the cheat codes to normal words (LLA_KCOLNU -> UNLOCK_ALL, LLA_DORTOH -> HOTROD_ALL, LLA_PUENUT -> TUNEUP_ALL, etc.);

  21. Some buildings do not have proper collision. Weapons can go through ceilings. All walls, doors, ceilings, etc. should be solid;

  22. If half of the player's vehicle leans over a ledge of a platform (non-terrain), it will clip through the plaform and get stuck through it, with two of its wheels on top of the plaform holding the vehicle aloft;

  23. Pressing the gas button while holding left or right from a stationary position will sometimes make the vehicle reverse in the opposite direction;

  24. When playing as Nina, launching interceptor missiles right after launching her special weapon causes the missiles chase her special for a few seconds, before locking into the enemy again. Her special lures interceptor rockets high up into the sky so they can clear terrain before zooming down upon the target along with her special (Don't fix this, it's a really cool bug);

  25. Disabling the hoverpods/hydrofloaters/ski powerups just as the player is about to land flat on solid ground at high speed, when the normal wheels come back, they'll briefly clip through the terrain, then spring the car back into the air like a trampoline when the collision detection reactivates at the end of the animation;

  26. Attempting to grab destroyed enemy carcasses with Gman's special causes his vehicle to freak out and jump around;

  27. The Bruiser Cannon does not fully spin 360° degrees. For example, when turning counter-clockwise to point it at a target behind the player's car, once the cannon is pointing directly backwards, instead of continuing to turn counter-clockwise, it will instead quickly spin in the opposite direction to keep tracking its target. If the cannon fires in this split-second moment, the shot may go at whatever random direction it is pointing at as it is spinning, completely missing the target; *Suggestion: Lock the cannon angle to what can be seen in front of the player 90°/300° degrees arc (testing needed).

  28. The hazards in the OG V8 levels playable in 2nd Offense are either modified or broken:

    Colorado avalanche triggers when you destroy 1 tree instead of 3 The fire pipes in Oil Fields don't spit out fire every few seconds after being destroyed The manholes in Casino City only activate once and the pools don't scramble enemy radar or clog vehicle engines if they stay in it too long, etc.

  29. When pushed in any direction by an external force (like a Cow Puncher combo, a Roadrunner combo, or any explosion that knocks the vehicle away), if the vehicle fires a Bull's Eye Rocket as it is thrown back, the rocket might fly at a slower speed and at an odd angle.

  30. Vehicle carcasses can absorb powerups and even repair powerups from stages (ex.: The California checkpoint and the Arizona Gas Stations);

  31. Convoy's special weapon doesn't deal the damage it should half the time, as the knockback effect pushes the enemy away from the damage hitbox before it can hit them. V8 Arcade's rendition of his special fixes this holding the enemy aloft in front of Convoy for a brief moment (like in Clyde's shock special) before flinging them away;

  32. Holding down brake + gas without peeling makes heavier vehicles accelerate faster than just pressing gas sometimes, and makes vehicles without skis move faster on the snow maps;

  33. Due to the heightmap nature of the stages, steep inclines like the cliff area in Arizona can keep vehicles stuck, flipping over and over, bobbing up and down, if the player tries to climb them;

  34. Destroying bridges California, will cause the container trucks that normally drive over it to instead drive through the water and the ground below where the bridge used to be as if the bridge was still there;

  35. Entering teleporting passageways like doors deal a little bit of damage to the player's vehicle (probably ramming its collision);

  36. The nuclear silos in the Minnesota level deal damage instantly when detonated, before the green blast wave reaches the player;

  37. When entering a teleporting passageway, weapons that were previously tracking the player should stop chasing them and fall wherever it was originally aiming. This will fix the problem with tracking weapons going ultra full speed from miles away just to hit their target when they come out somewhere else;

  38. Pressing triangle + R3 together with analog camera functions enabled will cause the camera to be stuck and unusable;

*Note: Houstons special is broken. 1. Allow shields to block her hook from attaching and damaging players 2. Make the hook go after target avoidance/radar jammer instead of the center of the car for auto hits, so these are defenses.

Note: Cars grabbed by Gman's slam attack are immune to damage from weapons, reducing the whammy potential. This should be more like Bob's special, so Gman can fire rockets and cannons at held enemies (testing needed).

  1. Grabbing a shield after being set on fire doesn't stop the burning damage.
GunJack97 commented 1 month ago

How Can I Put those Cheat Codes?

Mortiz90 commented 4 weeks ago

so... dead project ??????

Dedok179 commented 4 weeks ago

so... dead project ??????

This project is more than alive. It's just that his code is no longer published here.

rwxaws commented 2 weeks ago

This project is more than alive. It's just that his code is no longer published here.

Where is the code published? I couldn't find anything else but the Github project.