stefanwalther / qvWebPageViewer2

Improved WebPageViewer Object Extension for QlikView (QV11)
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Blank page when there are more than one link in the same dashboard's tab #4

Open brdp opened 8 years ago

brdp commented 8 years ago

Hi, I've just created a dashboard that shows help docs in a web page displayed using qvWebPageViewer2 plugin. It works fine for the first link in the Tab, from the second link I get a blank frame.

We have one help page with different anchor, so different url:

I compose the url using a script and one variable than I pass it to qvWebPageViewer2. It will work fine if I had only one link for each tab in the dashboard.

When I add two buttons in the same tab that call two different url, for instance:

The first clik works but the second one shows a blank page.

I fixed the problem removing the $ifrm.fadeOut(100); function in the InitContent:

            function InitContent() {

                ConsoleInfo(_this.ExtSettings.ExtensionName + ": Init Content");

                if (_this.ExtSettings.ReloadNeeded) {
                    ConsoleInfo(_this.ExtSettings.ExtensionName + ": Reload is needed ...");
                    var $ifrm = $("#ifrm_" + _this.ExtSettings.UniqueId);
                    $ifrm.attr("src", _this.ExtSettings.WebPageUrl);
                } else {
                    ConsoleInfo(_this.ExtSettings.ExtensionName + ": Reload is not necessary, Url did not change ...");

Hope could be useful. G

stefanwalther commented 8 years ago

Hi, thx for notifying me. Happy to take a PR.