stefanweck / dungeongeneration

A roguelike game with a random dungeon generator. Written in Javascript.
MIT License
198 stars 29 forks source link

npm install EEXIST error #11

Open jorgeavaldez opened 9 years ago

jorgeavaldez commented 9 years ago

When I try to run npm install I get this output:

npm WARN package.json dungeongenerator@0.6.3 No repository field.
npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@0.2.1
npm WARN deprecated native-buffer-browserify@2.0.17: please  use( instead. this module was renamed.
npm ERR! EEXIST, open 'C:\Users\Jorge\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\31b0598e--cache-through-2-3-6-package-tgz.lock'
File exists: C:\Users\Jorge\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\31b0598e--cache-through-2-3-6-package-tgz.lock
Move it away, and try again.

npm ERR! System Windows_NT 6.2.9200
npm ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\ProgramFiles\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js"
npm ERR! cwd D:\Github\dungeongeneration
npm ERR! node -v v0.10.35
npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.28
npm ERR! path C:\Users\Jorge\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\31b0598e--cache-through-2-3-6-package-tgz.lock
npm ERR! code EEXIST
npm ERR! errno 47
npm ERR! not ok code 0
wozzo commented 9 years ago

Just forked and am unable to reproduce this on windows running the same versions of node and npm.