stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot
MIT License
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How to make Kelvin play nicely with the "Wake up with light" automation? #106

Open JamesSto opened 1 year ago

JamesSto commented 1 year ago

I would love to use Kelvin, but it seems to conflict with the "wake up with light" automation - when the lights initally go on for the wakeup automation, they flick to the Kelvin configuration, then back once another change happens in the wakeup animation and Kelvin realizes that it's in manual mode.

Is there a good solution for this? I don't always wake up before sunrise depending on the time of year so I can't just set "beforeSunrise" to 0% brightness. Any way to just disable Kelvin entirely before a specific time? Or is there another good solution here?

jordanyeo commented 1 year ago

There is! you'll need to use Kelvin Scenes for that light- you'll need to set the group of lights that you are using wake up automation on to NOT use kelvin when lights appear. Then, on whatever switch you use to turn on your bedroom lights, make sure it is toggling on a scene that contains the word Kelvin. That way, your light switch is what is explicitly turning on Kelvin, and the wake up automation is independant.