stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot
MIT License
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Feature request: ability to change brightness of individual lights #77

Open StylusEcho opened 4 years ago

StylusEcho commented 4 years ago

This program does almost what I want, except that I find some lights too bright at certain times of the day. I have a couple of Hue Plays in the house. For the everyday scenes I have created, I typically have the Plays at half the brightness of my ceiling bulbs, otherwise I find they overpower everything else (they're right up against a wall).

Kelvin sets all the lights to a fixed brightness, which doesn't really work for me. Would it be possible to perhaps allow setting the brightness of individual Device IDs in a single schedule?

everydayanchovies commented 2 years ago

Yes that would be ideal.

stefanwichmann commented 2 years ago

Hey, the easiest solution I see would be to create two schedules (one for the Plays, one for all the other lights). This allows you to configure them at different brightness levels.

Would that work for you?

StylusEcho commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this solution, I haven't been using Kelvin lately though. What I came up with, though not automatic, was to program a dimmer switch on button to change scenes depending on the time of day. Maybe I can get Kelvin running again soon and give this a shot, thank you.