stefanwille / crystal-redis

Full featured Redis client for Crystal
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lpush error when sending concurrent requests #70

Closed parruda closed 5 years ago

parruda commented 5 years ago

Hey guys,

I am using Kemal to receive requests on a specific endpoint and add a JSON to a queue to be consumed by workers using the Reliable Queue Pattern. Basically it does:

redis.lpush(queue_name, value)

Things start to fail when I send concurrent requests.

This works:

$ while true; do curl http://localhost:3000;done

Then I add a second one:

$ while true; do curl http://localhost:3000;done

That's when I start to see errors:

Exception: cast from String to Int64 failed, at /src/lib/redis/src/redis/command_execution/ (TypeCastError)
from src/lib/redis/src/redis/command_execution/ in 'integer_command'

What could be causing it?

maiha commented 5 years ago

Hi @parruda !

This library is not thread-safe. So you must handle connections by yourself. The choices are as follows.

Best regards,

kostya commented 5 years ago

use pooled_client:

stefanwille commented 5 years ago

Redis objects are not thread safe. Please use @kostya's solution: Redis::PooledClient, as in @kostya's link.

parruda commented 5 years ago

Using the pooled client works. Thanks guys!