stefanzweifel / git-auto-commit-action

Automatically commit and push changed files back to GitHub with this GitHub Action for the 80% use case.
MIT License
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`commit_user_name` has no effect #287

Closed adamlui closed 1 year ago

adamlui commented 1 year ago

git-auto-commit Version


Machine Type

Ubuntu (eg. ubuntu-latest)

Bug description

Specifying a custom username in commit_user_name has no effect, instead github-actions[bot] is always the committer

Steps to reproduce

In workflow, set commit_user_name to a value that is not github-actions[bot]

Tried solutions

Example Workflow

name: Sync chatgpt/bravegpt to kudoai/bravegpt/greasemonkey

      - master
      - 'chatgpt/bravegpt/**'
    if: ' != "auto-sync[bot]"'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      # Checkout adamlui/userscripts
      - name: Checkout adamlui/userscripts
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.REPO_SYNC_PAT }}
          repository: adamlui/userscripts
          path: adamlui/userscripts

      # Checkout kudoai/bravegpt
      - name: Checkout kudoai/bravegpt
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.REPO_SYNC_PAT }}
          repository: kudoai/bravegpt
          path: kudoai/bravegpt

      # Sync adamlui/userscripts/chatgpt/bravegpt to kudoai/bravegpt/greasemonkey
      - name: Sync bravegpt
        run: rsync -av --delete ${{ github.workspace }}/adamlui/userscripts/chatgpt/bravegpt/ ${{ github.workspace }}/kudoai/bravegpt/greasemonkey/

      # Push to kudoai/bravegpt
      - name: Push changes
        uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
          push_options: '--force'
          add_options: '--all'
          commit_user_name: auto-sync[bot]
          commit_message: '${{ github.event.head_commit.message }} (synced from adamlui/userscripts)'
          file_pattern: 'greasemonkey/*'
          repository: kudoai/bravegpt

Relevant log output

Activity log shows github-actions[bot] as the constant committer despite above YML


stefanzweifel commented 1 year ago

Hm, this should definitely work. We have unit tests that cover this feature:

Can you provide a link to a workflow run, where the action used the wrong commit user name?

adamlui commented 1 year ago

Sure hang on let me run one

adamlui commented 1 year ago w/ commit_user_name: auto-sync[bot] resulted in w/ commit user name github-actions[bot] instead


adamlui commented 1 year ago

btw I really love your script and would be extremely happy just syncing w/ the wrong name, but if I could get the custom username to work it would rock my world

lars-reimann commented 1 year ago

I'd assume that you also need to set the commit_user_email.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

@lars-reimann do you use single, double or no quotes for the value?

lars-reimann commented 1 year ago

It shouldn't matter in this case,, '' and "" are all the same YAML string. But the rules for strings are rather complicated, so use quotes if you wanna be on the safe side.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

@lars-reimann it worked!!


Do you know how I can assign it an icon so visually it looks even more like 2 entities were involved in the commit?

stefanzweifel commented 1 year ago

@adamlui The icon is the avatar of the GitHub user associated with the commit_user_email. So if you want to see a different icon, you would need to create a new GitHub account for the email. Maybe you could also register the email at and set the profile picture there. Maybe GitHub will pick that up. 🤔

That's also why the commit_user_email-value defaults to the email of the "Actions" GitHub account. To showcase that the commit has been made by 2 entities.

And thanks @lars-reimann for the help here. I didn't make the connection that commit_user_email also has to be updated.

adamlui commented 1 year ago

@lars-reimann @stefanzweifel creating a GitHub acct works beautifully! (the potential method awkwardly requires creating a WordPress acct)
