steffen-foerster / sailfish-barcode

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Does not work in landscape mode. #43

Open develroo opened 6 years ago

develroo commented 6 years ago

So installing it onto the Gemni PDA means that by default most applications will be in landscape mode. When Codereader is in landscape mode though the scan now button does not appear , nor does the autoscan on start up appear to work. However if you force (via Sailfish Settings) to be portrait then Codereader wil start in portrait mode and scan properly showing the scan now button and also auto scanning.

Camera control works well in both modes in so much as double tap will autofocus and the zoom slider works correctly.

Suggest there is a refactoring of the landscape layout where the scan now button appears off to the side as does the zoom control.

Otherwise it works fine in portrait mode it is just inconvenient to hold it like that