steffenmllr / imageoptmizer-brunch

Optimize PNG and JPG images with optipng & jpegtran on --optimize
17 stars 4 forks source link

Update package.json #8

Closed jpadilla closed 9 years ago

jpadilla commented 9 years ago

Updated dependencies. Was getting issues with coffee-script and recent node versions 0.10 and on io.js. Updating this dependencies was sufficient get everything working again.

steffenmllr commented 9 years ago

@jpadilla Great work, thanks! I'm not using brunch anymore - are you interested in maintaining the repo ?

jpadilla commented 9 years ago

@steffenmllr sure thing, we're still using it for a couple of projects so it might be useful yes.

steffenmllr commented 9 years ago

Nice! Thanks for you help, you should have push rights to the repo and publishing right to npm :)