steffenschaefer / gwt-gradle-plugin

Gradle plugin to support GWT ( related tasks.
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Integreation with Gretty plugin #98

Open DALDEI opened 8 years ago

DALDEI commented 8 years ago

Has anyone successfully applied the gretty plugin with the gwt plugin ( -- I will be posting to that page as well. Due to well know limits with the built in 'jetty' plugin I would like to use gretty instead. But i have not been very successful in combination with the gwt plugin -- I dont know if its in inherent compatibility issue or simply something I am doing wrong. Happy to provide details -- but its been 'hunt and peck' right now so before spending too much time analyzing, if you happen to know if this is a known dead end, known happy path or just new territory that would help a lot.

Issues I am having range from NullPtrExeption, timeouts with the Annotation processor, basic 'hangs' where it seems like nothing is going through, problems getting jetty to communicate with the gwt codeserver, unknown differences of 'opinionated convention' wrt to directory layout, unknown 'automatic dependency injection' from gwt plugin that does not always find whatever equivalent magic gretty is doing ... and thats day 1 :)

I have had great success with Gretty using non-gwt apps and with GWT not using gretty ( and mixed success with gwt+jetty) -- I have not attempted a GWT App that doesn't use the gwt plugin so I don't know if its the plugin, or gwt or gretty or more likely just differences of 'opinionated' convention that (like much of gradle) either works great or is too mysterious for mortals.