stefnotch / aftermath-editor

A WYSIWYG mathematics editor that understands your formulas!
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Caret rendering and clicking #15

Closed stefnotch closed 1 year ago

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

For rendering a caret:

To get such a physical location, we could walk down the tree until we reach the desired location.

For clicking in the formula

For the user

To get such a zipper, we could walk down the tree, keeping track of where we are.

Walk down the tree: The tough part here is that the MathLayout doesn't really correspond all that well to MathML. One possibility would be to always re-render for those operations 🤔

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

Note that language servers have a super similar problem

image from page 24

stefnotch commented 1 year ago
Map<HTMLElement, PartialRange>

* Pretty please make sure they don't overlap and stuff.
PartialRange {
  zipper: PartialZipper
  from: Offset;
  to: Offset;

* You gotta look at the parents to figure this one out
PartialZipper {
  // TODO: maybe number[] as in 'index in parent'

I could also store direct references to the zippers, but the zippers are rather expensive and designed to be created lazily. So this design that lets one reconstruct a zipper is superior.

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

I think I can build a pretty good tree traverser that also keeps track of the whole range/partial zippper stuff.

It'd be a combo of the tokenstream and a zipper

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

Is storing all caret positions (x, y coordinates) a good idea?

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

One case that mostly serves to demonstrate the tricky-ness of mapping between the MathLayout and the MathML is

{ type: "row",
values: [ {type:"symbol", value: "3"},{type:"symbol", value: "."},{type:"symbol", value: "1"},{type:"symbol", value: "4"}, ]
  <!-- Digits get smooshed together into one number -->

And even worse ["(", "a", "+", "b", ")"] would become something like <mrow><mo>(</mo> <mrow><mi>a</mi> ...+b...</mrow> <mo>(</mo></mrow>

So how about...introducing a Treenslator tree, that lets you translate between either representation. Basically, it's a tree that mirrors both the MathLayout and the DOM. Well, it mostly mirrors the MathLayout and then stores where that is in the DOM.

The alternative is treating every character as its own node. And since we can't always attach info to them, we'll do some smort guesswork.

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

One useful guarantee might be:

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

When you have a row-zipper + an offset and you ask "where is the caret position in the viewport, and how tall should it be", then

Some other, discarded options regarding that were

// - every child has a "bounding box" (x, y, width, height) -> we can get positions, even the final position
    // vs
    // - every child has a "before-position" (x, y) and a "height" -> we can get positions, but not the final position
    //   for the final position, we add a "final element" or something. This also handles the case where the row is empty.
    // vs
    // - every child has a "before-position" and "after-position", cause the height is the caret height!
    //   And the position.y is just where the caret should be, not how deep the element is
stefnotch commented 1 year ago


It can do stuff now. Zipper + offset => physical location almost works.

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

I guess pointing the performance profiler at it would be interesting. Especially given how ugly the baseline getting is.

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

"Click on a physical location => Zipper + offset" involves walking up the DOM and noting down every single DOM parent in log(n) time. Then we walk down the tree, each time attempting to find the correct node which has one of the DOM elements. This is trickier, we need more guarantees here.

An alternative would be: Every DomTranslator has an element that definitely physically contains all of its children. And then we repeatedly calculate the shortest distance to all possibly relevant elements. See also

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

For completeness, some alternatives to the DomTranslator tree would be

stefnotch commented 1 year ago

Works nicely now